It Came From The Deep

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|Part 1: The Sick |

"Uh yeah, hi-iiiiiie!" The Queen grabbed you in mid sentence, hoisting you up by your armpits like a kitten and tossed you into the air before catching you like a child to a toy. "Nice to see you your majesty."

Her massive body twirled you around in the while saying, "It feels like it's been ages since our last meeting!" Then she smushed your face next to her cheeck going. "It has been absolutely boring without you around little butterfly."

You did your best not panic with what she was doing but it was hard to do since she was freaking you out! You let out a nervous chuckles. "That's nice to hear," you said with one pair of arms holding you by your arm pits while the other pair was messing with your cheecks. Her four black shiny eyes squinted as she smiled. "But it's only been a few days." And since you still haven't got over your fear of arachnids you asked, "Could you maybe put me down?"

She pouted as she slowly put you down to the ground, showing bits of her fangs. Your face paled at the sight of them. "I hoped you'd get my signal, but what took you oh so long?" Her body lowered her face down so she could get a better look at you. "Was it that wretched Dragon boy?" The Queen drew back into an inhuman snarl that sent shivers down your spine.

"Um, no. I got caught up in a conversation with Eva." Why does everyone keep bringing Yugo up? "Speaking of signals, why did it have to be a tree falling into the road? You could've killed everyone with that! And because of it, my ride to Bonta is now wrecked."

"Oops, did I do that?"

"... yes. You did." You looked around the cavern, feeling many eyes looking down on you. "So, why exactly am I here? I mean, it's little sudden that your doing this."

Queen Taranlula chuckled, heading toward a tunnel to the right. "Let us walk and talk dearie, it's a long trip down. Ooh, I can't believe I have a butterfly in my debt!"

"Um, yeah." You nodded just to make her happy. "I was wondering, how can you tell if someone is a butterfly, or not?"

"Ah, the answer is quite simple: their auras, or soul. Depending on the specifics."

You raised an eyebrow. "W-what do you mean by that?"

"Fahaha! Oh dearie~ Bonta wasn't built in a day, yes? There needs to be some mystery in this book or it'll be over before you know it."

"Nevermind. So why am I here anyway?" You asked, looking around the web covered tunnels.

Cautiously, you followed her into the darkness. Thousands of arachnids are heard through the walls. "As you may know, we arachnids suck our victims dry of their blood for nutrition. And because if it I never hold any prisoners. I always believed they were just a waste of space."

Where is she getting at with this? "Yeah, I've noticed. But what does that got to do with me?"

"I'm getting there, so relax. You are a guest in my kingdom afterall. " She took a turn with you close behind. "One day, my babies came across a rather... unusual creature. To this day I still don't know what it is, but when they got a hold of it, they tried to feast on it's blood. But there was no blood to suck. When it bled, it was black. And from their reports they told me it just... crawled back into the body and healed itself."

Your hat ears slumped a little as she continued. "I tested it myself to see if it was true, since my subjects have a tendency to exaggerate the details, and it was! I've never seen anything like it in all my years. And believe me butterfly when I say that's a lot of years. It seemed sentient, so I asked what it was. However it acted like it never heard me, mumbling over and over "Find the knight. Find the knight. Not even a glance. I hit it, I stabbed it crashed it burned it, but to no avail."

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