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*me seeing that this book is number one in Yugoxreader* WHAT THE SHIT-!

Warning- fluff🔥💓, u explode, and cry, lots of negative doubts. Amalia is like one of my favorites I swear

|Part 1: The Sick |

"Okay, one and a-two, and...three!"

Elely, Ruel, Yugo, and Dally grabbed the fallen tree and attempted to lift it up. Their hands held onto branches and bark, and for a few moments they got it a foot up before it slipped out of their grasp. It fell back on the driller with a loud thud and a whining old man.

"Oooh, my poor machine." Ruel fell to his knees, watery eyeballs staring at the ruined vehicle. Junior sat down next to him, snorting a little and nudged Ruel's hand with his tusk in comfort. The enutrof whimpered, putting that hand on top of the Dhreller. "We had a lot of good memories with her, huh Junior? If only we found that lumberjack who caused this."

"Don't give up yet Ruel." Yugo said for encouragement. "I'm sure we'll figure something out and before you know it the driller will be back on it's feet in no time."

A piece of glass fell of soon after.

The eliatrope looked at the disaster with a thinking face. He rubbed his face. "Though this is definitely going to make the trip a lot harder. My brothers aren't going to be happy about it."

Dally nodded, agreeing with him. "Ya got a point there. Ad looked pretty upset about it too."

"I did offer him to come but he said no."

Elely scoffed, kicking a rock. "Who cares about that? If anything Adamai is just a big ol' turd. But how are we going to move this stupid tree?"

And with that she also kicked said object, which did nothing. "What if we just roll it out of the way?" The Iop man suggested.

"Nah that's not gonna work. It'll probably crush the driller even more," Yugo took a look at the sobbing old man. "And I don't think Ruel can take it."

"She'll never dig again!!" A loud cry was heard throughout the forest.

Everyone looked at Ruel with sympathy in their faces. "Poor Grandpa Ruel." Flopin muttered.

"Psh, step aside kid." Amalia walked past the crying old man and up to the wrecked driller.

The sadidanette let out a hum as she looked at what she's dealing with, and raised her hand to the air. A long green vine came out of the ground, slithering to the sky behind Amalia. Then she directed her hand forward, and the vine wrapped itself around the tree. It lifted the tree off of the driller, and tossed it to the side of the road. The derooted tree landed beside the road with a loud thud. Proud of herself, she gave everyone a smug look and put a hand on her hip. "There, now Ruel can stop his whining."

He crawled along the floor and grabbed her foot. "T-thank you Amalia!" Tears were still coming down his eyes as he gave her a toothy smile.

She shook him off, and crossed her arms. "Yeah yeah, whatever."

"Thanks Amalia!" Then Elely punched her thigh.

"Ow! Would you quit doing that!"

Elely will never stop being the little hot head we all know and love. Eva came by, holding her baby while she headed over to where her husband was. "Wow, looks like you guys got this done pretty quick."

"Yeah, all thanks to Amalia." Flopin said.

"That's good. It'll give us girls some time to get ready." Evangelyne shifted Pin into his father's arms to get a little break.

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