A Break

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|Part 1: The Sick |

The feeling of the hot warm sun, the sound of kids splashing each other with water, not to mention your not going to do squat today, this is the life. Pin was relaxing next to you with bottle in hand. Who knew sun bathing with a baby was going to be this nice? The perks of being you. You turned the page over to the next one in the book you were reading, happy with how things turned out. Then something covered your sun shine, or more like someone. You looked up, saw Evangelyne, smiled and waved. "Hey Eva, what's crack-a-lackin'?"

Her light green eyes looked down at you with her blonde hair put up into a bun. The weather today was perfect, and a break was much needed. "Why don't you go swimming with everyone else? I'm sure they'd love it if you did."

"No can do, Eva. I was raised in a land locked village," you sighed with a sad woe. "And the ponds there went up to my knees." You crossed your legs and went back to sun bathing and reading The Mysteries of the Deep.


"I can't swim."

The cra put a hand on her hip, and moved her eyes to the side. The sound of laughter filled the air. She watched her son and daughter play with her friends in the water. The kids danced and swam in the lake, having the time of their life. Amalia was getting Ruel all wet by splashing him over and over, Dally lifting Flopin up and tossing him into the water, Yugo playing a splash war with Elely- light bulb!

"That's too bad." Her hand went to her cheeck to make it seem like she meant what she said, "I know Yugo would've liked to see you out there. You two have been getting along pretty good lately."

Your ears prick up at what she's said, making you wonder what's she talking about. "You think? Sure, he keeps picking on me from time to time. But he makes some good food, I'll give him that."

The wheels and cogs in Evangelyne's head started working. Maybe there was something going on, she thought. There was only one way to know for sure. "I used to have the same problem about a certain someone when I was around your age once. He was such a Iop brain when we were younger. Actually, now that I think about it not much has changed." She closed her eyes, remembering her younger self. "Over time, we got closer-" she opened her eyes to see that you were still listening. "Oh no, I sound like some old enutrof. I better stop."

She didn't say anything more, and started to walk away. You were curious now, asking, "So... how did you deal with it?"

The question made her stop her tracks and turned back to you. "My problem?"

You nodded, and waited for her to say something. She answered a second later. "I learned from him, and he learned from me." And she left you, leaving you with your thoughts.

You took her answer in and moved your head down to face your lap. You stared at your palms, wondering what you were suppose to do with that. Yeah, there are a couple of things that Yugo can teach me, but what can I teach him? The sandy blonde person was more experienced, knew the history of his people since he was 12, and can make weapons appear at the the tip of his fingers, while you only found out that eliatropes existed a week or so ago. Maybe Eva wasn't talking about actual learning after all.

Let's see, what's related to that... trade? You give him something he gives you something? No, I might be over thinking this. You heard tons of splashing, so you looked outward to see nearly everyone out in the lake. Dally was swimming around wuth his daughter on his back, making it seem like Elely was floating along the water. They're definatly having fun, that's for sure.

There's plenty of time to read the book afterwards, and you could just stay in the shallows. But there was nothing in your bag that you could use as a swim suit. It's not as if you knew you were going to go swimming on this trip, or explode, and lets not forget those arachnias. Creepy things. What to do, what to do. You moved your eyes more inland, and saw Fionda hanging laundry on a string between two trees. You figured that she might have something you could use, and teleported yourself to her within seconds. The old yet feisty cra heard your portal close behind you, and turned with a smile.

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