Same Person, Old Face

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Man I am pumping these chapters out like now tomorrow there is no stopping me lmao heheheheheh

Edited by: ariatales__

|Part 3: Wounds Reopened|

When you woke up, everything was sore. Your shoulder especially. Somehow, your arm is in a sling, and you're propped on your left side with pillows for support. That stupid crust people get when sleeping for so long is all over the corners of your eyelids, and it feels like you haven't eaten or drank in forever. Urg, I don't even wanna think about water right now. Your eyes cracked open slightly. The first thing you see is a circle fire pit a couple feet from you, little red hot embers still burning. Behind that is a blue stone wall. When you try to rotate your body, you instantly regret it when you feel that pain again. You go back to your good side, sighing. 

I really can't have one day with something going wrong, can I. You already knew the answer to that. You noticed that the bedding you're laying on is a bunch of animal pelts stitched together professionally. Nolosho would scream if he ever saw the animal fur blanket. You could turn your neck around without triggering your shoulder though that was still limited. From what you can tell, you're in a cave with purple hexagon-shaped crystals sprouting all over the place. You can see the mouth entrance partially, if you moved anymore then it'd hurt. You can hear the distant sound of waves. Hmm… Some coffee would be good right now.

Maybe that means you're still along the coast, hopefully not too far from Bonta. Every part of your body feels so weak and exhausted, it's almost like you got run over by a herd of gobballs and got left outside in the cold overnight. Rolls of bandages, a pair of scissors, and a bunch of homemade remedies were scattered around you. You'll have to thank whoever helped you when you see them. You groaned slightly from the stinging pain, and lay your head back down. Which brings you to your next question: who brought you here?

Someone had to find you washed up on the shore, bring you to the cave, start a fire, take care of your wounds, and put you in the bed. Maybe they were out getting more supplies. You were heavily wounded from the arrow, and it must not have been easy to fix up. It sure doesn't feel like it was easy to fix. You can feel the bandages and gauze tighten and loosen with each breath you take. Events of what happened went through your head over and over again, starting from when Yugo greeted you with a cup of coffee that morning, the game, and falling in the water. 

Yugo. You can still see the face he made when you called out to him that final time before exploding. Gods, you prayed he was okay. The last thing you wanted to do was hurt any of your loved ones. Plus, your family must be worried sick about you. Fionda's probably losing her head right now. It was at times like this that you wished Az was with you so you could at least tell them you're okay. Oh, and then there's your mother. If she catches wind of this, then she'll find out about Yugo and the gang. Your head will be on a pike if she finds out. You were planning to tell her… eventually… when everyone is at a safe distance from her. 

The least you can try to do is walk around. You didn't want to stay in bed all day long. Slowly, you sat up despite your arm throwing a fit. Thank goodness for the person who made the makeshift sling, who knows what could've happened to you if no one found you. Probably dead. 

Isn't that a scary thought. The fact that you nearly died.

Hastily you shake your head. No, no, can't go down that rabbit hole right now. Focus. Your legs wobbled as you got to your feet, shaking like a newly hatched dragoturkey. Now that you are up, you can see the exit clearly, and with heavy steps make your way towards it. The clothes you wore are ripped, your shoes practically gone, and the whole backside of your shirt is no more— probably to make it easier to address the injury and still keep your shirt on. Actually… Now that you’ve been getting closer to the light, your sling seems to contain a few familiar colors.

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