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|Part 1: The Sick |

When you woke up, it was in a small room with an I.V hooked up to your arm. In the package that the other end was attached to was filled with water, and you were covered in blankets. There were so many of them on top of you, that you had to sit up to see. Where am I? This place didn't look familiar, but it gave off a homey atmosphere.

To your right was a window in the shape of a circle, a small nightstand to your left, and the bed you were on sat in the middle of the wall that was decorated with simple photos of forests and flowers. There was a door on the wall next to the bed and some carpet sat on the floor. If anything, this looked like a guest bedroom to you, but you weren't too sure. All of theses blankets on you were making you feel hot, and the room was stuffy so you pushed aside all but one that was knitted with blue yarn.

That's better. What even happened? The last thing you remember was... getting the ropes of Fionda and setting Min free. Anything after that was hazy, and it just made your head hurt. Your stomach broke your thoughts by making a rumbling sound, and had realized that you felt pretty hungry. Wow, I'm starving. Some biscuits and gravy sounded so good right now, but you couldn't get up due to the I.V.

Your ears pricked up when the door knob jiggled, and heard footsteps coming to the door, a woman's voice went, "-me just check up on her, okay?"

A lady with auburn hair in a braid, with a yellow outfit on, walked in with a rolled up rag in her hand, and looked at you with blue eyes. Sge jumped slightly, like she was expectung something else, and let out a sigh of relief. "Oh, your finally awake!" She said with the clap of her hands. "You were really starting to get everyone worried, you know?"

Finally? What in the world was she talking about? "Uh, what?" You mumbled.

Instead of answering, or she just didn't hear, she walked up to the side of the bed and stuck out her gloved hand. "My name is Juli. Your in what we have as a sick room."

"Sick room?" You grabbed her hand and shook it, but now you were just confused.

Juli nodded. "Yep. I know we've never met before, but Kerim has been telling me quite a bit of you."

Hold on a sec, Kerim knows this lady? "You know him? How is he and his daughter?"

"Well, I am his wife afterall. So yes. And you don't need to worry," she said and sat down onto the bed, "they're both fine, if anything, we all have been worried about you."

This is his wife? Whoa, he's got good taste. You weren't expecting his wife to be someone like this. You were thinking more of the type that are snakes, or some lazy person. "Why? Did something happen?"

"Uh, I feel like that's a topic you'll need to discuss with your friends. If you want, I'll go get them." Juli suggested and stood up. You saw a pair of wings under her hair, like the fairy kind, and realized she was an eniripsa. Wow, I've never met one before. She walked to the door and said on the way out, "They're just outside. They've been here for days."

"Wait what was that?"

But she was already gone. Great. You leaned into the pillows and sighed, with your eyes starring at the ceiling. Did she just say days? You hope that you just heard her wrong. What's the chances of that? Yeah, that's probably what happened, just a misunderstanding. Besides, didn't Fionda want to leave in the morning? There's no way she would let you sleep this long. Not too soon after, you heard small feet and a knock at the door.

"Uh, come in-"

Then the door was kicked open. Wow, okay. A small ginger ran into the room so fast that she was just a blur, and did a bellyflop onto the bed, or more accurately on you. "Gah! That's my stomach."

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