Ride Baby Ride

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Art by: StarBerry_Shortcake

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Art by: StarBerry_Shortcake

The photo at the top is what has happened in the discord chat I'm literally dying help-

⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️Warning: 🎵it's getting hot in here, so take off all your clothes🎶

|Part 2: We're Going For A Ride|

For now you stuff the doll into your shirt, so he couldn't see it. Yugo lands on his foot and knee, looking up to meet your eye. You swear on your sister's grave you saw the hint of blue glimmer across his peepers. "Shit!"

You sprint down the road, running as fast as your legs could go. Despite the fear of getting caught, this was kinda fun. Small fits of giggles were floating out of your mouth despite fearing for your sanity. You swing your arm up, more portals being made. Quickly you get into the nearest one, just as he almost grabs your arm. From one portal to the next, you teleport along the road to avoid the blonde male that was right behind you. Dogs barked through the fences as both of you went going at high speeds that could challenge a car.

I can't let him catch me I can't let him catch me I can't let him- your head turns around for a second and see his palm right in front of your face. Holy shit! You kick it into high gear, pushing yourself a little faster, a side walk and street coming into view. Maybe you can lose him out there, at this point anything is worth a shot.

Sadly there was a downfall: you were running out of energy. Today was exhausting, and you hardly got any sleep last night, your running on nothing but fumes right now. Your legs burned with each step, and your arms are begging you to stop. But if you stop now, he's gonna see the doll, and he'll probably think its weird that you have that, and dub you weird as well. Maybe if you get away with it, you'll toss the doll somewhere he would never be able to find it. You shouldn't have even took the thing in the first place!

Just a few more feet away... nearly there. Sweat runs down your forehead, and your muscles were aching. Then (like the idiot you are) your foot trips over where the dirt became concrete, and your body falls forward. "Ah!"

Luckily a blue portal appears where your head would collide with the sidewalk, unluckily it wasn't yours, and there was no time to move out of the way. Fuck- well, guess this is it. Goodbye Mama, goodbye Habhaï, see you around Grandma. You can imagine your funeral in your mind, everyone in black... probably lots of rain. And your head grave will say:

"Here lies Y/n

Beloved daughter



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