Getting Ready for a Ball

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Know what? Fuck the Q&A I want to post the next chapter now!!

Ya'll should join the discord I have! Bunch of great art and wonderful people on there! Link down below!


|Part 2: We're Going For A Ride|

Day after tomorrow until the ball. That's how long you have to be fully prepared to 'find the one in red' as the riddle went. The ticket Dan had kindly provided is indeed going to help, there's just a few problems with that. Only YOU got a ticket, no one else, with the name Y/n Bomb in cursive, how creative of him. It also said that you are Dan's guest, so you would have to go in with him, alone.

To be honest you'd rather have someone else go or have Amalia or Fionda be with you, not that you aren't grateful for the ever eccentric person's help, but why does it have to be you? Yes sure, its your brother who needs saving, but it doesn't give anyone the right to force you to do things you don't want to do. You couldn't even choose if you wanted to cause its either you do it, or Habhaï goes bye-bye. After the stunt Dan's pulled, you didn't want to be around him anymore then you have to.

With his all over the place attitude and constant movement it's hard to keep up with him sometimes, you pity the workers that deal with him on a daily basis. If Dan is being truthful about being friends with your idiotic brother, you wonder why Habhaï would hang out with a guy like that. He's way too chill to be with Dan. And not to mention that he has kidnapped you twice now, and your going to a Ball with him. Fuck your life sucks don't it?

When everything was cleared up in the end, a plan was formulated where you and Dan would go in, a handful of people sneaking in as workers, while the rest keep an eye out on the outside, and together snuff out this being in red whose involved in plucking sadidans off the streets. This could go wrong on so many levels, you were starting to get a little anxious thinking about it. The only person more upset about this whole situation was Yugo, who somehow had a bruise on the bridge of his nose.

During the whole explanation part, he was full on glaring at your kidnapper, the grip on his arms tightening every now and then when Dan would stand close to you, what you are starting to suspect as protection in case Yugo had decided to go full Iop on him. A huge chunk of you wanted to see him knock the shit out of Dan, and the small, more reasonable part of you had argued that this Man was needed alive, so he got lucky. Fionda wanted to beat him up too, she had fired an arrow at him the second she hopped out of the driller, and you had to stop her before she murdered your only way into the Ball. She wasn't on board with you going with him too, but with Habhaï's life on the line what choice did she have? When that was all over, as Dan was about leave, stopped, and he had said, "I'll pick you up 6 o'clock on the dot Sweetie-kins!"

Gods he made it sound like a date. And it isn't! Yes, he gave you a wonderful and most likely expensive dress, bought you a ticket, and keeps calling you 'Sweetie-kins' but that does not mean it is. It's just an undercover job to find Habhaï, then you can get the hell out of there and away from him. Yugo looked like he wanted to tear him to pieces as he left, which was both funny, hot, and terrifying.

You had to bite the bottom of your lip to keep yourself from laughing because he looks almost exactly like an angry kitten. How his ears were drawn back and the way he was sitting with his hands in front of him made a picture of a kitty getting ready to pounce in your brain. If he were as small as a bow meow you'd totally use the opportunity to hold him under his armpits and do a Lion King scene. However he's taller than you, so it wouldn't work in reality. But that's okay, there's always Chibi.

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