Hip Hip Hooray...?

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|Part 1: The Sick |

- One night and 2 cups of coffee later-

"Ah, that wonderful feeling of being able to leave the room." You said as you took a step out. Finally, after an entire day of being stuck in there, you were free. You threw your hands in the air and yelled, "I'm back baby!"

"Not yet your not. Juli still needs to take a look at you." Fionda said from behind you.

The ears on your hat slumped down, along with your arms. Oh yeah, that. So what if you can't remember parts of that night you exploded? Big deal. Its not as if you lost your whole childhood memories or anything. "Aw man. Why? I'm fine, healthy and alive."

"That may be true, but I'm not taking any chances. For all we know you could have gotten cancer." She over exaggerated. "Besides, bad luck always comes in threes." Then she walked away.

Bad luck can kiss your bottom. To think you could've left by now and see Habhaï sooner, but no, now your going to have to wait just so a fairy can look at your head which was 100 percent fine. As long as the hat stayed. Oh how you were looking forward to the day you turn twenty. Just a few more months. "Fine, but I want to talk to Kerim first."

Fionda's blonde hair snapped at you fast then a whip. "Why on earth would you need to talk with him?"

"Well, I wanna make sure he gets the root that Mama gave us. For his daughter?"

Her features softened and she went tsk tsk. "Oh I should've known. You had my heart going for a second there." Then she patted the top of your hat. "Don't worry. He got it. And that sadidan girl was helping out with the other kids in the village. Though she seemed distant."

"You mean Amalia?"

She nodded. "Yes, her. Now come on. The sooner we see Juli, the faster you get your suprise. Or, it depends whether or not the villigers finish it on time."

Suprise? She's never said a thing about it until now. "What suprise?"

"Oh you know, the suprise."

"Uh, no I don't." You said.

"That's the point. Otherwise it wouldn't be a suprise. And don't bother asking that group of people from before either. Because they won't know." Then she started walking down the hall into a more spacious area.

"So it's one for all of us?" You asked as you walked faster to catch up to her.

"Yes, it is." Then her hand reached out to the door nob and pushed it open. Early morning sunlight covered the both of you as you took a step outside. There were villigers walking around caring wooden boards and tools, which made you wonder what was gping on. Then Fionda grabbed you by your arm and dragged you along the house to the back.

"Sorry, but we're going to have to go around to get to the clinic." The light blonde 50 year old explained. "And that boy- I mean, *sigh* Yugo. He explained your... origins to me. They weren't what I was expecting, I'll tell you that much."

Ditto. You hummed in agreement and kept walking. "Same. He told me that there was this timeless dimension that is filled with elidope children, and that I came from there. Can you believe it?"

"No," she mumbled and turned away. "I can not."

Oh, you knew that look all too well. "...do you believe it?"

"Do you? How do we know this person is telling the truth? It's one of the most far-fetched stories I've ever heard."

"Well, it's better then nothing." You commented. "And he is the first person that I've seen, with the same powers. I have doubts he's the king, but some of the stuff he's told me does sound familiar. And now that I think about it, he looks familiar too. I could've sworn I've seen him somewhere."

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