The Spider Queen

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*A/n: Queen Taranlula at the top. ☝👆*

|Part 1: The Sick |

Things weren't looking good for anyone that wasn't a spider. Most of the brotherhood were still unconscious, sitting in their chairs with little to no movement. Yugo was all the way on the other side of the gigantic ball room with dozens upon dozens of nearly invisible strings between him and the exit. All the while having a creepy ass spider observing everything from her own little web that she created, laughing at the situation like one would to some hilarious comedy show. It looks like your going to have to help the guy... again.

You just saved him from the same person not even 10 minites ago. Was this going to be a reacurring thing or what? How are you gping to save him this time? What can you do to help him get his suited ass over here? You moved your head around to see if there was a way to this, without anyone getting too badly hurt.

Come on, think think! As you were trying to figure out a plan, Yugo was getting one of his own. He moved both arms in front of him, pointing at the web mess that was all over the room, and summoned his magic to blast a path to you and Pin. His blue magic lit up the area for a moment, then everything went dim again. You lifted the baby up with your arms, ready run when he caught up to you. But something else happened, the strings, they started to move!

Both eliatropes watched with horror and amazment as the sliver of ropes got more packed, tighter, making it more difficult to get through. You groaned in objection to it and slapped your face. "Of course it isn't going to be that easy."

Then the more idiotic teleporter (Yugo) thought it wouldn't hurt to run into the webs. He must've been thinking that he could easily get through them since they were just a bunch of weightless ropes, but he was wrong, so so wrong. You watched with the words, 'I don't believe him' leaving your mouth as the person with the blue hat had quickly gotten entangled in the webs. He was running, jumping over webs and dodging pretty well until his foot tripped over a string and fell forward into a sticky web. "Aah!"

He quickly struggled to break free, and tried to yank his arm out, but it was stuck like glue. "Fahaha!" That laughed echoed throughout the entire room, bringing your attention back to the spider Queen. "Another fly, trapped in my never ending web."

You looked up at the ceiling, where Taranlula sat, almost appearing as a floating spider, but you knew she was standing on some threads. It was just hard to see was all. Her two lower arms pulled some strings towards her, with a wicked smile on her face. A small series of connected strings moved and let go, sliding and gliding. And it led all the way down to the ground, towards Yugo.

One side of his web flipped over, then back upwards, and then under. It went faster and faster with each full circle, until he was nothing but a blur. It finally started to slow down, and when it got to a full stop, Yugo's entire body was covered in webs, except for his head. Now he was completely trapped, with his arms bound like that, he can't make a portal to get out, he was stuck. And you can't just run in there, you'd get stuck too, so that was a no go.

How can someone like me save him when I can't even cut a thread without making it worse? Then you looked up. There was that big chandelier, at the top. It was wide, and all that metal and glass seemed heavy to you. If it were to fall, the whole thing would come down with it. "That's it!"

With Taranlula distracted by Yugo, you could sneak up there and make it fall. You made a portal on your side and hopped in without another thought. The next time you were out, your body was three times higher in the air, and then disappeared through more portals, getting higher and higher with each jump. You made sure to stick along the edges, so as not to get caught, and made your way to the chandelier while the queen got distracted with Yugo.

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