The Start of Trouble

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A/n: Shout out to @Garbage_Pest for reading some of the chapters and giving me feed back! If it weren't for them, the story wouldn't be as good. Thanks!

|Part 1: The Sick |

"Yeesh, you weren't kidding when you said that there was a search to get in." You had said when you were finally at the edge of Gern.

There were two people who were lined up next to a small building, with some type of guard inside. You and Fionda watched as a guard dug through the first person's bag, pulling out random junk, clothes, blankets, etc. Then when they got to the second man's bag, he pulled out a valuable jewel, with an emerald at the center. You couldn't hear what they were saying, but the man started to protest when it was pulled out. He attempted to grab it from the guards big hands, only to get shoved back in response.

Then the necklace was put into the guard's cloak, never to be returned to it's proper owner again. Then he nodded, letting the two go into town. You took note of what they had to do to go in, and worried about the ring that was given to you from one of the servents, Jack. 'It's for protection,' he said to you before the journey. You didn't want to lose it, that and it looked nice. You didn't get much jewelry, because you've never really cared for them, but it was nice to have something. 

Deep down inside, you've always supected you were some type of enutrof. Turning to the older woman, you asked, "What are we gonna do?"

"Is there another way in, Thief?" She asked Kerim.

Fionda has been calling Kerim that since they met. You knew that he didn't like it, and you would've said something, but if you did, she would start calling him an even worse name. And he did steal things, so it somewhat suited him.

Kerim cleared his throat, and shook his head. "No, it's either this one, or the one on the other side of town. It's not much better then this."

Her brown eyes looked back at the guard, who was now sleeping in his little station. You looked at her from your turkey and waited for her answer. Anybody could tell that she was thinking hard on what to do. "I have an idea, follow me." She finally said.

Confused, you followed her, but you trusted the stern cra that whatever she had going in her head, worked. "So what do we do?" You asked as you got closer to the station with your turkeys snorting everynow and then.

"Don't worry, I've got this."

I hope you do. The station itself was built like how one would build a shed. But there was a door on the side instead of the front, with a wide space so the guard could see who came through. When he saw the three of you walking up, he held up his hand and yelled, "Halt!"

He walked out, and eyed you two, then looked down at Kerim. "Hehe, well well well, if it isn't the so called 'Master Thief'. So what did you get? Besides these two... interesting damsels?"

You noticed the fist your friend made, before saying, "I'm just guiding them into town, Goxen. I didn't get anything beside a meal."

The guard directed his attention to you, looking at your bag. "Haven bags, eh? Haven't seen these things in a while. Hand them over." Goxen demanded with his arm stretched out.

Fionda gave him hers first, with you having no idea about the plan she had. He pulled out a basket of berries, a jar with some type of root in it, a pair of boots, and a bracelet. "Hmm, the craftsmanship on this is interesting," he commented, looking at the charms in the sun to see it better. "I think I'll take it to the boss later on."

"No, you won't." Your blonde guardian said to him like as if he was lower then her. "Your going to put my things back the way they were," she instructed, "give me my bag, and let us go into Gern."

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