A Little Birdie

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👆Habhaï's missing paper at the top👆

So what a year huh?

|Part 2: We're Going For A Ride|

Dally and Flopin, not sure what to do with themselves, had sat on the couch, Ruel sleeping on the recliner, as Fionda zoomed all over the place, cleaning every single inch of Y/n's brother's place. The boys watched her lift things up, wipe 'em down, and move onto the next thing. Him and his son shared a look. To help pass the time, Flopin moved his head to the little coffee table in front of him that was decorated with photos of family members.

He reaches for one picture in particular, of the baby pandawa girl he had seen that angry saddian mom hold before she went all Iop like on them. Next to the little fluffy baby is a sadidan with green eyes smiling as he holds the baby above his head. "This is Habhaï? Kinda weird to see a sadidan wear a shirt."

"Ooh! Let me see!" His father takes the picture frame so his Iop brain eyes could look at it. "Aw, that's so sweet! What's the baby's name again?"

"I don't know. Speaking of babies, where's Pin?"

Dally pointed up, so that's exactly where Flopin's eyes went, and saw his baby brother crawling on the ceiling. "Baba! Haha!" Little giggles and cries slipped through his teething mouth.

"I'm sure the brother here won't mind footprints on his ceiling, so it's fine. After all, we can clean it up before he gets back anyway."

For the tenth time today Fionda went past them to clean out the corners of the living room, spray bottle and scrub brush in both hands. "Erm, hey Fionda, why not take a little break? They're going to be back in a bit, and I'm sure they'll have that Hab guy with them."

"Ha!" She threw her head back and laughed. "Probably, maybe, I mean given the fact we have not gotten any word from him in weeks, and the state of this house, he's just at work." Fionda mimicked a certain person, and she started speaking faster. "And maybe I'm just cleaning so for at least a few minutes I can act like everything is fine and to help keep my mind off the fact something terrible must've happened to him and we've already lost one child and now we might lose another and... and-"

Quickly her back was turned to the boys, but they could see her shoulders shake a bit. A sob was heard, and a few sniffles. Then, as if nothing happened just now, her face was blank, with no signs of crying whatsoever. "And besides, we can't just keep sleeping in hotels and the wilderness, we need a proper place to stay, just think of the children! So why not a place where we don't have to worry about kidnapping trains or abnormal spiders that talk."

"As long as it's free I don't mind." Ruel mumbled, turning onto his side.

Flopin rolled his eyes, and said to her, "You have a point, but I just don't think that cleaning isn't going to help the problem."

"So what? You'd rather we all sleep in a barn?" She snapped.

The little boy sunk a little into the couch, his tiny pointed ears down. "Sorry, I'm just trying to help."

Seeing how upset he was getting, Dally stood up and said, "Hey he's just trying to make you feel better! What's your problem? You're worse than Amalia and Adamaï mixed together with Ruel's feet!"

Before another word could be said, the front door swung open, Amalia stomping through the doorway with you right behind her. "How dare they even touch a sadidan! I can't believe the King of Bonta hasn't done squat about it! Grr, if I ever get my hands on them I'm gonna feed them to my carnivorous plant!"

And you weren't that much better than her. "Stupid policeman!" Once the two blondes and ginger were in, you slammed the door shut. "I'll show him who's a little girl when he wets his underwear!"

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