Snap, Crackle, Pop

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|Part 1: The Sick |

Mornings. They can rot in the fiery pits of hell for all you cared for. You absolutly despised them. It is always the worst time of the day, your energy is always low, your forced to get out from your beloved soft bed, and out into the cold frosty morning with a cup of coffee in your hands. You were in your regular clothes, but there were slight bags under your eyes, and you were half awake, wondering why you were out here at five in the morning when you could be sleeping in.

In front of you was Dally, Yugo, and Fionda, in their everyday clothes. The others were near the driller, gathered around a camp fire. Evangylene was making something with eggs and sausages.

"Now I know what your thinking," Dally started, "'Why haven't we done this sooner?' Or 'I'm so excited for this!' But guess what Y/n, we are going to be TRAINING!!"

You let out a hum of acknowledgement, too tired to understand the words correctly. "Hmm."

"Huh, honestly I thought you'd be excited about this." The ginger Iop said, scratching his head.

Fionda sighed and crossed her arms, "One: I told you people she wasn't a morning person. It may take a few minutes for her to actually wake up. And two: it's not training, it's just a little warm up to get rid of any energy before we head out."

"I'll say," Rubilax sneered. "She looks like she just got up."

You took a sip of your coffee, not caring what the demonic arm said about you. Hair wasn't brushed, it was just put into a simple hair tie, with your hat crooked, making you look somewhat sloppy to the others.

Dally jump in place, punching the air like some professional boxer. "You ready to get beat Y/n?"

Gee thanks for the support. You put your coffee down on a rock and mumbled "Sure."

"That's the attitude I wanna hear!" The iop yelled and got into his own fighting stance. "Now show me what you got!"

You got into your stance, spreading your feet apart and fists ready. Yugo and Fionda backed up, already knowing where this was going. Alright, let's do this. Dally charged forward, making Rubilax larger to cause more damage, but you didn't move. Not yet. You kept your position and watched the knight get closer, waiting for the right moment. Not yet. You failed to see Fionda's smile and Yugo's concerned face, narrowing your eyes at Dally instead. Now!

A blue portal appeared with the wave of your hands, letting you grab your opponent's foot and knocking him over by surprise. Then not even a second later another one showed up next to your foot, giving the perfect moment to swing your leg into it, and landing on the Iop's side from the second portal, putting some space between the two of you.

"Exellent form Y/n!" Fionda complimented from the sidelines.

Rubilax held onto the ground to keep the both of them from sliding away. When you saw Dally not retaliating, a fear settled into you, wondering if that hit was too hard. He lifted his head and smiled, with a defiance in his eyes. "That was a pretty good hit, but let's see if you can hit harder!"

He rushed with a speed like no other, taking up whatever time you had to get away, so you stood there and tried to block the move with your arms. The demon limb came into contact with your forearms, making your teeth grit slightly from the pain. Since when could he move that fast? Just another mystery about the Percedal family. Then before you could react he swept his foot and made you slip.

You landed straight on your back and groaned, not that it hurt, but falling on the ground sucked. As you stood back up, Percedal stretched his limbs, saying, "Man that is refreshing. I'm telling ya, there ain't nothing like a little brawl with friends."

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