Will They? Or Won't They?

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If Y/n had a sister dragon

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If Y/n had a sister dragon.
This is so so amazing 👏 😍

Fan art by: Mythicaldragonl

This chapter was edited by: ariatales__

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|Part 2: We're Going For A Ride|

The first thing you woke up to are two pairs of eyes staring directly down at you. One with yellow cat pupils, the other with light amber, but they held the same evil smirking mug look. Your little stunt had kept you up for most of the night. After some time of tossing and turning you had only been able to fall asleep a few hours before. So, with you still being pretty groggy, you give them both a gentle pat on the head, not even wondering why they were watching you snooze, and snuggled back into your pillow. 

"Hey Y/n?" Grougal's lower voice rang. You let out a hum, too tired to register a single word he said. "Are you dating our brother now?"

You jumped from the sudden loud clash of what sounded like metal pots and pans falling from the kitchen, sitting straight up. Your heavy eyelids cracked open, only to cringe at the golden bright sunshine coming through the windows. "I'm up... I'm up...."

The smell of breakfast filled the air. Sizzling of bacon, and the chattering of people— much like the other mornings here at Habhaï's house. Small tanned fingers wrapped themselves around your hand and pulled you off the couch. "Come on, we want you to sit with us."

"M'kay." Blankets fell to the side as you got to your feet, mindlessly letting Chibi guide you to the kitchen. 

It's starting to get crowded around here, with so many belongings scattered across the floor like blankets and bags you were having a hard time walking through it all. A two bedroom home isn't meant for 13 people and 4 pets. One of the first people you notice in the kitchen is Yugo, cooking up a storm of food with the help of Fionda and Adamaï cutting beside him. He moved his head to you from the counter, if only for a second but in that second a large blush went over his face before going back to scrambling the eggs. Blurred memories of last night flooded into your mind, from getting into Dan's limousine, all the way down to...

You kissed Yugo.

"Morning Y/n," Fionda greeted, sending you a warm smile.

I kissed him—! Oh my fucking God I actually did! How do you tell someone it was an accident and that you were just going for his cheek! If I got kissed on the mouth by a stranger without my permission I'd be upset. Did I overstep his boundaries? I didn't mean to! I can still remember every single little detail about it! I could literally taste some fucking fruit on my lips! I really liked the kiss though…did he like it too? Ugh, how do I fix this?! I'm such an idiot. You wanted to disappear right then and there. "Morning," you mumbled as the younger eliatrope tugged your arm away to the round table.

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