Continue Onwards

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|Part 1: The Sick |

And sorry if this was a bit different. It was incredibly rushed, you have no idea how bad I was rushing. Chapter production is behind schedule, and I have a chapter that kinda lile a special but is canon at the sametime. I want it out by Halloween. Have a nice day!

You've always liked walking in the woods. Maybe it was because it reminded you of home, or just because you liked it. Anyway, for some reason, you were following a tofu. These birds were smarter then they looked, but still, they aren't the most reliant ones around. Sticks and leaves covered the forest floor, and with every step you took made a crunch.

The tofu was a few feet ahead of you, leading you who knows where. And you didn't want to stay out here too long, or else you'll miss the suprise Fionda was talking about. I wonder what it is. There was so many things it could be, the possibilities were endless. "Hey, why'd you stop?" You asked the bird.

Sure he wasn't going to answer, but it didn't hurt to ask. The yellow bird was now hovering over a spot looking left and right. You raised and eyebrow and looked where he was looking, but saw only more forest. "We're lost aren't we?" You didn't need an answer to that. "That's okay. We can't be that far from the village, and I'm sure there's somebody out here who can help."


An explosion was heard nearby, with some yelling. The tofu hid under your hat in fear and terror. "And there it is!"

He was shaking head on going towards the trouble, but sighed when you started moving in that direction. You hummed merrily along with some tune stuck in your head as you made your way over to the commotion not in even the slightest worried. As you got closer, you could hear a bunch of yelling and... squealing? Was that a pig you heard? That was definitely a pig. Not a moment too soon, a hairy hog ran out from the bushes ahead with it's tail in the air, snorting around. You stopped in mid step so as to not alert the wild animal, and slowly walked backwards. The best thing to do in situations like this (if you wanted to avoid hurting it) was to back away very slowly.


Oh, you stepped on a twig. "Ah zooterkins."

The pig's tiny ear pricked straight up and spun in place to see what that was. It's angry pupils made eye contacts with yours and let out a loud squeal. It lifted it's upper body into the air thinking it was some white mighty stallion and charged. "Squeeee!"

The big horns that sat its nose looked like it could do some serious damage if it met its mark, but you didn't look too worried. The bird in your hat let out an alarmed scream and quickly flew out, leaving you to deal with the attacker. You put your hand in front of you, creating a portal making the beast run right into it. Then you closed it and made another next to a tree on your right. The pig ran into the trunk of the tree, before sitting its bum down with its fat head moving in a circular motion. The hog leaned over on its side and barfed, gross.

"Okay that's just nasty." You muttered.

After the hog was done, it growled and glared at you. Guess I made it mad. It was going to charge again, but you were more then ready. You were born ready! You motioned your finger at the hog to try again, and waited for its next move. "Squeeaal!"

You jumped out of the way into a portal, and landed on a nearby branch higher up into the trees. Then you decided to taunt it a little to get a rise out of it. "Try getting up here little Piggy."

Ooh it definatly didn't like that. It rammed its head into the tree you were on with its tusks, determined to win. That got a giggle out of you, and waited for the pig to tire out. It can't keep this up forever, right? But you didn't get to find out, because a familiar Iop jumped out with his arm refined into a black sword. "Aaah!"

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