Racing and Feelings

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|Part 2: We're Going For A Ride|


The second you gripped on the handles, the two tire vehicle jersey forward. Dust fill the air as all the other much larger cars zoomed past you. Panic filled your body as everyone else was moving, a few yelling at you to move. Again you try the handles, and it moved a few more inches. Okay, that's go. You turn around, to see a large vehicle, bigger then the driller, coming straight for you, and it looks like he isn't going to move out of the way.

For a third time, you squeezed the handles, and oof you went. I'll figure out the brakes later! Wind ran through your hair, and before you even know it you were already out of the warehouse, around the end of the other racers.

"Okay! Okay! I got this, I can do this!" You tell yourself, but you honestly didn't believe it.

Your arms were tensed, and your knuckles were turning white. Having no experience with this sort of the thing, the thoughts of crashing into something were starting to seem very real and very likely. The bike you were on jumped a little, but in your current state it scared you and out of fear your left hand moved. The machine steered to the side with no warning, and you bump into the racer that was right next to you. The guy loses control, and collided with a street post sign.

"Zooterkins- Sorry!"

You scrambled to keep the front in one place, hoping the same thing doesn't happen to you. All it takes is one little screw up, and your roadkill. That's all it takes. A wad of spit goes down your throat as you gulp. Up ahead was where the rest of the other contestants were driving, a few cars were pushing against each other trying to knock their enemies off the streets. Everyone is taking this thing really serious, from the looks of it. Some vehicles had decorations on them, like paint, and spikes. Some of them even had barware. Come on that's a little much now isn't it?

The strong scent of salt was in the air, and you notice that all the buildings were part of the fishing business. Is this whole thing going to be around the harbor?  That question goes unanswered for now, and you focus in on something much more important. A turn is coming up. Yep, and it doesn't look like it's a curve turn either. A sharp hard right, how convenient. Below you the ground was nothing but blurs, but it didn't stop you from thinking about your insides getting scattered along the roads.

You keep your eyes straight, even though your heart was thumping wildly in your chest. It's getting really close now! 'Know what? Let's just say fuck it and yank the handles to the right as hard as you did just now. The breath gets knocked out of you as the bike looking machine lets out a loud pop before complying. The wind that blew in your face was chilly, making you wish you had something else on besides a lost jersey, which got you here in the first place. Second this is over I'm getting rid of this shirt. You hear some crashes behind you, forcing you to look back to see what the hell that was.

Some racers couldn't make the turn, a small pile of metal and people was growing as you got further and further away. At least that didn't happen to you. Your hands grip the handles harder as you try to regain your breathing again. Finally you force yourself to look straight again, and shriek. "Aaah!"

Since when did you get into the middle of the group?! You could've swore you were at the end. Was it because of how hard you were holding the handles. You let your hands relax a little, and the bike slows down. So is that how I got here? Cause I made it go faster? Hoping to find some explanation, you take a quick peek at the little circles that had the numbers and red needle. 87 mph? What is that suppose to mean? When the littles circles told you practically nothing since you have no idea what your doing, you look back up. And just in time to duck down as barrel of apis came hurtling towards you.

Second Chances Do Exist (Yugo X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now