Just Cruisin'

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Art by: StarBerry_Shortcake
I love the BROOOOO 🤣

A/n: I don't know squat when it comes to mechanics or cars and motorcycles, so if anything is wrong or isn't true, I'm making it up as I go along, so please bear with me. Also I thought it'd be cool to start things off with what's up with Yugo

And there is now a discord group chat about wakfu and the books I have created! Anybody is free to join, link down below!


|Part 2: We're Going For A Ride|


So many different ways to call it. Explore, journey, etc. But they all meant the same thing. People can get hurt when on one, some get lucky and find gold, and some are granted the sweetest treasure of all; a family. And that's what Yugo had gotten after defeating Nox the Clock maker. At first they were just considered his friends, but when the young but powerful boy stood on that pile of rubble, looking around all of the destruction with the Sadida guards everywhere, there they were smiling at him with such support. At that moment, he knew that those strange oddballs were no longer his friends.

Now they were family.

And it only grew from there. Adamai, Cleo, Grougal, Chibi, and even Qilby (but Yugo would only admit that with a hint of malice and regret). Phaeris is his older brother, but he chose not to live with the brotherhood, rather watching the red dofus instead. That did not mean he loved the scarred up dragon any less though. And when Dally and Eva's children were born, everything got better. Chibi and his twin had often spent the night having slumber parties with the kids, and when the kitchen had been burnt down (take a guess who) either Alibert, Yugo's adoptive father, or he would come by to fix the damages.

Taking a few years off of adventuring was nice, it was different, but a good different. It gave Adamaï and Yugo the chance to help raise the newly born baby and dragonet, and focus more on the inn. Eva and Dally got to have their own home, and Ruel had created the drill. His father was more then happy to have the boys home, since he had been struck by a spell which turned his hair white, and he couldn't join in on any others because babies were high maintenance. For a while, everything was perfect. But then Ogrest cried.

Yes, the childhood story that was told to nearly every kid as some fairytale was actually real, and his tears were destroying the world. Sure, Amalia almost got forced into a marriage and Dally lost his arm, but things could've turned out a lot worse. Like the World ending, that wouldn't be very good. Personally that was one of Yugo's favorite adventures, not only because he got to knock some of Harebourg's teeth out, but he got to reunite a father and his child back together. And he was Dally's best man at his wedding, and at the end? There was nothing more satisfying then the people you care about all grouped up, and enjoying a warm meal together at the end of a long adventure.

Oropo was another story

Sometimes he still gets nightmares of him, the man who had Yugo's face, the one who claimed to be a better version of him, the man who wanted to create a bomb that would kill off the gods. There have been nights where the eliatrope had woken up in a cold sweat, images of the eliacube, maniacal laughter, and sometimes when Oropo wasn't there, it was Yugo himself. When in Inglorium, it was odd to find it empty. Nearly empty. He did get to speak to Ush again, which was good, but the other members of the Forgotten were a tad bit skeptic. Some were even upset after Dame Echo's passing. Then there were those issues with Amalia, a chest of emotions that had been ripped open by the Yugo-Clone prior to Inglorium. He never liked making people cry.

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