Hotel Shenanigans

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|Final Part : The Sick |

"Ah, it was so nice of Justice to do all this for us." Ruel said. "He should've captured you sooner Y/n."

You took a sip of a Shirley Temple as your body bathed in the sun. "I guess. I'm just glad that he paid for us to stay in the best inn here in town."

"Hmm, now that you mention it, he did say something about not wanting to get tackled by any more children. What was that about?"

"Does it matter?"

A woman wearing the inn's work uniform came back, and refill both you and the enutrof's drinks. "Probably not."

You pulled out a kama and tipped her, which she smiled and walked away. Ruel sighed happily with his drink. "And the view here ain't that bad right?"

Nope, the town of Jurgen wasn't that bad at all. It was definitely bigger then Gern and Certis. The DeMont Inn had a pool that was on the roof, with over 100 rooms, breakfast already cooked in the mornings, with an open bar. Apparently 18 years olds and older are allowed to drink. Your nineteen. Nah, you'll drink legally when you get reunited with Habhaï. Then you can both drink together. And the view from the pool? You can see the whole town from up there. This is nice, and like Ruel said, the view wasn't that bad.

But you weren't looking at that view, you were looking at something else.. Yugo was playing in the pool with the others... shirtless. You watched him swim around the pool behind the sunglasses you wore. "It sure is Ruel, it sure is."

"Canon baaalll!" Dally jumped into the pool, and sprung up from the water, almost getting you and Ruel's stuff. "Wahoo! Hey Eva hand me Mini Dally for a moment!"

"Watch it! You almost got us wet!" Ruel scolded.

The sunlight was nice and warm, not a cloud in sight. The Iop stick his tongue out. "I don't see why you two aren't in here! What are ya scared or something?"

His wife went to the pool, and bent down to give him his baby. "Easy with his head honey." She advised.

"Yeah ya scared or something?!" Elely yelled. She swam up to her Dad to support him. "I think they're scared Papa."

"We're not scared, we just think the pool isn't the right temperature for us." You answer.

"What she said."

Both Dally and Elely rolled their eyes at the same time. "Whatever, bunch of pansies. Come on Elely, let's go play with your brother here."

When they left, Ruel made a toothy smile and said, "Finally they're gone."

That's when you grabbed a book from your bag and propped it open. "Lore Olympus here I come. Minthe is so gonna get her ass whooped."

You delve into the pages of the comic book, while you let your skin gets tanned by the sun. Amalia and Eva were doing the same thing nearby, talking about varies things. You look up and glance at Fionda who was having a splashing contest with Flopin in the water, it was nice to see her smile every once in a while. You go back to reading, and said, "I heard they were having a huge buffet tonight."

"Mmm, that does sound good. So I assume your paying?" Ruel asked.

"In your dreams old man."

"Ey!" He sat up and took his sunglasses off. "I'm not that old! You should show some respect to your elders you know." Then he sat back down to soak in some more sun. "Besides, I thought Justice was paying for everything?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that. How goes the driller anyway?"

"Pretty well thanks to the repair shop. We should be in Bonta by tomorrow. I wonder how it's gobbowl is doing."

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