Different Point of View

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|Part 1: The Sick |

~Last night~

A minute before disaster struck, Fionda served you and Kerim some delicious food, despite the lack of seasoning, it was pretty good. Thanks to your Mother for packing both haven bags that she had found in storage, and filled them with everything you need for the trip. A few utensils, a couple of plates, some clothes. And yes, of course she gave you two bottles of pills to help deal with those infamous cramps when it's that cursed time of the month.

However, there was one thing that no one was aware of, that was hidden in your bag. "Fionda, your coofing neber ceafes do amaze me." You complimented with your mouth full of the delicious meat.

"Y/n don't talk with your mouth full, or else you might choke."

You nodded, and chewed until it was good enough to swallow. The fire was hot, and the stars could be seen perfectly clear. After almost a week out on the road, it was nice to relax, especially after a day's worth of travelling. The turkeys were tired, and were now sleeping next to each other, and Kerim looked like he's had a long day before trying to rob you two. "Hey Fionda, I have a question."

"I have an answer."

"Remember how Mama told us about you and her going on different journeys throughout the land, and meeting the other servents, and eventually settled down?"

She tilted her head at you, not seeing where you were going with this. "Yes, she over exaggerated on some parts, but the stories were good. Why?"

"I was just wondering why you don't do it anymore. I mean, this," you gestured to the woods around you as an example, "is really great! I made a new friend," you pointed at Kerim devouring the leg he was given, "and I'm learning things I couldn't do back in Certis. I just... don't see why you stopped."

Your cra friend put her plate down, taking your words in. "Your right, there are things back home that I haven't been able to do in years, cause there was no need to." She stopped for a moment, thinking back on the adventures she and your mother had together. "I got to make friends in all kinds of places, with people you'd never expect me to be with. As for why I stopped."

Her brown eyes moved towards the fire, the bright orange and yellow casting light wherever it could, "... my thirst for it had disappeared. I had my fill of it three times over, and I was just done."

As you two talked, the enutrof was ripping the meat on the bone to shreds. He hasn't had a meal this good in a while, since his excellent cook of a wife was too busy, and would hardly come home. But he decided not to dwell on it for now. Every time he would, it just get him in a depressed mood. But right now, he was with good company, had a nice fire for warmth, and was eating a great meal. As he ate, something in the corner of his eye moved. "Hmm?"

All he saw though, was you, the log you were sitting on, and the bag you were carrying earlier, now slumped against the side of the wood. He shrugged it off, and went back to eating, until he saw it again. To make sure he wasn't seeing things, Kerim watched, waiting for whatever was moving. Your bag wiggled a little, as if something was inside, but it went unnoticed since you and Fionda were more focused in the conversation that was going on, then an old bag. What the...?

He set his dinner to the side, and leaned a little to grab the mysterious sack. Before he could though, you quickly grabbed it at the last second.

"What are you doing?" You questioned, holding your baggage as if it was a baby.

He was suprised that you saw him going towards your bag, and answered, "Sorry, it looked like it was moving, so I thought something crawled in."

The person you've been keeping your secret from for about a week, pricked her ears up, thinking about why your bag would move. She stretched her hand out to you and said, "Let me see your bag."

Second Chances Do Exist (Yugo X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now