Rescue and Discover

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|Part 1: The Sick |

Here you were, back at Kerim's house. The same emtpy chicken coop, the same lack of objects, but something was wrong. The door was busted open, dangling on by a few nails that held it to the door frame. What had happened? Had those people from before got in?

That thought made a heavy feeling in your chest, like something was sitting on it. Had they gotten to Fionda and the others? You knew that woman could handle herself, but it was the lack of absence from inside that seemed most concerning. Speaking your mind, you said, "What happened?"

"Looks like someone broke through," Dally assumed with his black arm scratching his head.

That only made your suspicions stronger, and that feeling of worry increased. Don't tell me they ended up getting hurt! Wanting a closer examination, and clarification on whether your friends were alright, you walked pass everyone, and ignored what they all whispered when they saw you going willy nilly into a possiblely dangerous area. "Y/n get back here!"

"Don't go in there- no! Y/n!"

"Come back! Oh, aaand she's gone. Great."

Acting as if they weren't there, you trudged onwards. You were now a foot away from the door, and decided to take a peak inside. Everything was exactly the way you left it, with your blankets halfway open and pillow tossed to the side. However, Min wasn't there, and Fionda's bed was in a similar state to yours. And now that you think about it, the door looked like someone kicked it open from the inside instead of the outside.

Kerim couldn't have done that, he was too scrawny. That left only your babysitter. What could cause Fionda to kick the door down? There must be a reason. That ecaflip and his pals must've butted heads with Fionda and Min. But where were they?

And what about Kerim? Not even a second went by as your legs moved, knowing exactly where it was headed. His room was down the hall to the... left? You sprinted past your things, now completely forgotten, and skidded to a halt a little past his door, which was cracked. You peaked inside, seeing and hearing the shape of a man sleep the night away.

A sigh of relief went passed your lips. I don't know what I'd do if he got hurt, or his daughter. If these two are safe and sound, then those people were here for you and your travelling companion. But what was the motive? There's no way it could be random, this felt like it was too far planned out for it to be that.

No! Now's not the time to be figuring out the bad guys, if she hasn't come back by now, then Fionda might be in trouble. That put the fear into you. Frantically, you started to pace back in forth as a calmimg mechanism. Taking deep breathes, but not to a point where you start hyperventilating. You gotta do something before it's too late, or... or-

"Y/n, you alright?"

Your body jumped and made a small gasp, suprised that Yugo was there. How did he sneak up on me? Wait, no. That doesn't matter.

"Geez, you scared me half to death."

Even though he said sorry, you could see a grin crawling up his face, which meant he wasn't that sorry at all. He shrugged and said, "Whoops, sorry. I didn't know you were jumpy."

"Yeah yeah yeah." You waved his words off, knowing that his apologies were false. Relax, there's no need to be worked up now, you told yourself. "Didn't your parents ever teach you to respect your elders?"

"Elders?" He questioned with an eyebrow raised. You heard him let out a small chuckle, which was followed by another, and another. Soon it turned into a full out laugh, not loud enough to wake someone, but it seemed loud compared to the quietness that was there moments before. "I hate to break it to you," he finally said when he got it put of his system, "but not only am I king, I'm older then you. So where's my respect?"

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