One Huge Misunderstanding

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|Part 1: The Sick |

"Did you hear that ruckus last night?" One villager asked to her friend.

"Yeah, it was hard not to. Do you think it came from that strange machine at the top of the hill over there?"

Indeed, Ruel Stroud's 'glorious' machine sat on a little hill over looking the town. Dirt tracks could been seen from behind it, and when one got too close to it, the smell of grease and feet would be so over powering, that one would end up fainting. In the morning sunlight, one would say it looked like a miracle, but instead of what people were expecting, it was the complete opposite of it.

"Probably," she said while giving the contraption a glare. "Then there was that pack of screechers that came through town.."

"I don't think it was screechers, it sounded like people to me. Really savage people."

"Well I think it was screechers."

But before their conversation could continue, the door to the inn barged open, making a loud thud noise, revealing a Iop ginger child who appeared to had kicked it open, stretching out her arms, and yelling out into the morning air, "Good morning Certis!!"

The inn keepers head poked out with an annoyed face, and told her, "Ey kid! Easy with the door! It's 34 years old!" Then his head was pulled back in, getting ready for the new day.

"Oops, sorry mister. My papa says that's how a warrior greets the morning!"

Her Cra brother had showed up behind her, with a disapproving look. "Yeah, but remember what Mama said about new towns?"

"But- hmm?"

It was then that the siblings had noticed the two villagers from before were staring at them, with unbelievable looks in their eyes. Their eyes were wide and their mouths were wide open, now put two and two together, and knew that these two kids were part of the pack of screechers last night. Since the kids were raised with manners, they smiled and waved at them. Then Elely walked up to them, and did the unexpected. She stood up on her tipy toes, closed the girl and her friend's mouths and said, "Careful, you don't want any bugs crawling in there."

Flopin slapped his face, and muttered, "Iopbrain" from the doorway

She gave the light blonde Cra a look and questioned, "What? It's true! They had their mouths wide open, like this!" She made an over exaggerated face with her mouth wide open, showing her teeth.

"Kids! Elely? Flopin?"

Flopin called his father and said, "Papa! Elely's causing a scene again!"

What?! He's telling on me! So she shoved him, which made Flopin shove back, and so forth.

When Dally had arrived, he saw his children hissing and shoving each other, throwing insults. "Pea brain!"

"Mama's boy!"

"Stupid head!"

"Know it all!"

When Dally saw his children argue, their fight oddly remind him of a cat fight. So he grabbed both of them from the back of their shirts, and lifted them up, "Hey hey hey! Calm down you two!"

"He started it!" Elely accused with a finger.

Flopin acted suprised, and said, "What? No way, she did!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

And they were at it again. While Dally dealt with his constantly arguing children at the front of the inn, Ruel was on the move to look for the root. And how did he hear about such a thing that was near a town which was in the middle of nowhere? A few weeks ago, he was walking by, and overheard a conversation about a girl's mother who was on her death bed, then she was given this root that was from a small town from Certis, the next day, the mother was cooking breakfast for her children like as if she was never ill! Her cancer had just seemed to disappear... and who had it, must've paid a lot of money for something like that. But all Ruel heard was "Magical root", "heals people of their condition forever", and "worth a fortune."

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