Information on the story

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Hello from the other side!

And welcome to my trash of a story.  So, this is what happens when I get stuck with only my family, for the rest of the summer, with little to no contact with the outside world, and only visit town once every one to two weeks.

God...don't you just love coffee?

I just want to make a couple of things clear, in case ya'll have some questions or confused about some things. I am going by the series of the show 'Wakfu', and that one side thing that has Ogrest in it with the six dofus. Possibly the comics, but I don't own any, so I'll read from google images and look at whatever pages are there. Tristepin or however you spell it, is going by the englished dub, so it will be Percedal or Dally.  And you know how a few characters that didn't show that they're dead in the episodes, but confirmed that they were? Of course you do you nerd.

WELL GUESS WHAT?! I'm bringing them back in this book, and act like they didn't die some horrible or sad death that makes me want to curl up and cry. Why? Because it's crucial to the story, and I like them, and wish that they were still alive in the canon show. Though they will die in this book to catch some things up

And it'll be a year or two, after Oropo (that nutjob) and also, you have 7 siblings, so good luck with that. In the story, you and another person who is a cra, are travelling to Bonta to look for your brother who moved out (lucky bastard) and hasn't sent any letter to you or your family or even answered them in a few weeks (ungrateful little shit). So your mother sends you two to go check on him. Then you meet the Brotherhood of the Tofu, go on a couple of adventures, save a town or three, and figure out on what the fuck is the matter with you when it comes to your powers. I encourage you to please please please vote and comment on the following chapters. It lets me know if peoplesmen like it or not, and encourages me to make more chapters.

By the way, for the color of your hat, you can go for any color, but has to be like a dull version, like all the other hats on the show. You can choose any color you want, except yellow, just choose a different shading of it, you'll find out why later on. But I would suggest a dull red, so Yugo's sister, Nora's hat can put yours to shame, and make you feel inferior to her, which you are since she's a freakin' demi-god and your just a simple eliatrope. But it's up to you if you want your hat to be colored something else or not. And in my story, parents are still the guardian of their kids until they are 20 years of age, yes, it sucks. Now pull up your big kid pants and continue with the need to know get down.

In my book there are gonna be parts, and then the many many chapters like,

Ex) Part 1: *******

Chapter 1- *******

Each Part will vary from 15 to 20 chapters, and when that part is over then we'll get to do a little Q and A, a oneshot or two, and you guys get to ask the characters whatever! Then we'll get back to our regularly scheduled program. How many parts will there be? 1-5, 6 depending on my mood. Or that sixth part might end up being basically book 2, if you want it to be book 2, or just part 6. What ever floats your boat. I may or may not do a part 6, or I might leave it as a surprise. Depends on the mood I'm in.

So hold onto your hats, laddies! It gonna be a bumpy ride.

Don't worry, I'm concerned for my sanity too. One of my friends asked if I was sure I wasn't a murderer, after they watched me make a baking video. I didn't know how to respond to that... Have a nice day/night dawn/dusk!


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