On Your Own

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|Part 1: The Sick |

These woods are so different from the ones back home. You and a Cra who went by the name Fionda were traveling with some gobbel turkeys to speed things up. Though, it did make things hard at times. Whenever there was something blocking the path, you and your Cra guardian had to stop, move whatever it was, only to have one of the turkeys get spooked, and needed to calm down. Your mother had told Fionda if she ever needed kamas, don't hesitate to sell the two animals. Good thing your osamodas brother stayed home. Your turkey, Tom, was happily trotting alongside his pen mate on a beautiful day. "So what's Bonta like?" You asked, curious about the city your brother lived in.

Fionda thought for a moment, then said, "It's known for it's Gobbowl's tournaments. Last I heard, their team had won the championships vs Brakmar again. It's also very crowded," she explained as she closed her eyes, deep in memory lane. Even though she hasn't been there in years, she could still hear the background noise of side conversations, the announcer describing what's going on in the games, it was still so clear. The pushing and shoving in the crowds. The woman did not miss it. "It's market is full of merchants, theives, charities, and groups that are willing to let people join them. Not to mention bounty hunters."

Once her words settled in to you, the thought of buying a ticket to Gobbowl filled you with excitment. After all, you loved Gobbowl! It was your favorite game when you played with your siblings. You remember your second oldest brother, Pan, playing a mean defence against you. He could be such a pain sometimes, but you loved him nonetheless. Maybe once you find your older brother, the three of you could watch a game together! And who knows, maybe you'll even find someone like you... after all, Bonta was pretty big. "Whoa, really? I can't wait to see it."

Your caretaker sighed and shook her head. "After we find your brother. And before that we have to go through many forests, villages, maybe a city or two."

At the beginning, you knew the journey would be long and tiring, but you saw it as an opportunity to see what the world was like, meeting different people, and trying new foods. Yes, it was gonna be a while before you can see your family again, but hopefully things are going well without you. Your humble home could get so wild, you just wanna rip your hair out and scream your frustration into the sky. Thank whatever god there was that your mother let you go.  Not only do you get to see Bonta, but you get to skip out on studying! That on it's own was a bonus. Plus you get to see Habhaï again, who moved out two years ago. All you ever got from him were either letters, a photo or two, and a souvenir.

You gave the older Cra a warm smile and said in a taunting voice, "Come on Fionda, where's your sense of adventure? And don't you miss my oldest brother? You've been with him since Bannia was a baby." You made your turkey walk a little faster, and said, "Don't deny that part, you know you miss him too."

Fionda let out an irritated huff and turned away. "Why did I agree to go with you?"

"Because you were the one who convinced Mama to let me go. And your one of her closest friends." You reminded her.

She sighed with droopy ears, and had known, she had been defeated by a 19 year old. She knew you were right. How the maid hated being so good at her job at times. Knowing what her silence meant, you smirked in victory and continued on your way. "Hey Fionda, when's the next village?"

"It's two days away. But we'd have to spend the night in the forest." She explained

Perfect. "That's fine, it'd be the best time to practice. You never know when we're gonna need it." You also never knew where your powers originated from, or what it was even called. Nobody knew, not even the village elder, and that guy knew everything! Despite being a jerk. You tried asking your mother where you came from, which is how you found out you were adopted. Most of your siblings were. The youngest out of the family, was Pam. She was so cute, especially when she wore that pink bow with that dress, she looked like a little doll. When being adopted, finding out about your genes, and your actual last name was a dead end. Oof you need help.

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