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We made our way back to my flat, it was a lot easier getting there because I was only on the 2nd floor.
'Welcome to my humble abode' I said whilst smiling at Tobi 'Make yourself at home, I'll just quickly go and get my stuff'

oh god as i walked past the kitchen i could see multiple flies chilling over the fruit bowl. Tobes, please can you hold the bin bag whilst i clean this up? I tipped the rotten fruit into the bag and cleared out foul food from the fridge. 'God i'm sorry for that, that was gross' I said washing my hands. Right i'm gonna go and pack

'you sure you don't need help?' he asked politely. I shook my head and replied 'I'll call you if i need it thank you'

Almost instantly after hobbling into my room, i realised i needed his help. 'Tobi' i called out. 'Im so sorry can you reach for my bag that's on top of my wardrobe?' 'thank youu'

I quickly packed my clothes and my toiletries into my nike duffel bag. I also packed my slippers and a few more comfy clothes. After about 10 mins I was done.

'hey do you wanna go get lunch at the cafe at the end of the road?' I asked tobi

'sure, it might be busy so shall we get it to go and eat it back at my place?'

'yah sure'

We arrived back at Tobi's and sat on the sofa, this time watching friends and eating our paninis
'just a heads up, I have a sidemen shoot at 3, will you be able to manage on your own for a few hours? i should be back at around 6 or would you like to come along with me?' he asked

i didn't want to be more of a burden plus i was feeling quite tired so i replied 'no no i should be fine, i'm kinda tired anyways so i might nap'

'are you sure?' he looked concerned at the idea of leaving me on my own

'yeah i'll be fine honestly' i smiled at him

'okay no worries, i'll deffo try to be back quick'

we sat there in silence, watching TV and enjoying each other's company, it was nice.

'would now be a bad time to hop into the shower? i asked looking at him
'no shouldn't be a problem'
he helped me into the shower and left me to undress etc. I didn't take too long, just quickly rinsed my hair as well. After finishing i realised that i left my bottoms in his room. I decided to just wrap my towel around my body. 'I'm done' i called out to him. I felt so awkward, i apologised for not wearing any clothes.
He awkwardly giggled telling me it's alright.

After getting dressed, Tobi helped me back into his bed, he left me some water, juice and lots of snacks in case i needed it. He looked at me and smiled, telling me to text him if i needed it.

I was absolutely shattered and i slowly drifted to sleep.l

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