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It was currently the 13th April, therefore tomorrow was Sri Lankan New Year. I had invited Tobi and obviously all of the other sidemen over for food. I needed to go to the Sri Lankan shop and get all the vegetables and the ingredients to cook tomorrow. Tobi insisted on coming with me to the shop, i found it adorable, he really wanted to try and learn about my culture.

We drove out to East Ham, that was where i got all my sri lankan food, even when i was growing up, therefore it only felt right. Once we arrived at the high street, we parked and went into 'Seelans superstore'. This shop had absolutely everything that I needed in it. I bought all the ingredients, and i bought lots of my favourite snacks. Tobi was an absolute angel for taking me there and back. Once we had gotten back, he said he had to quickly dash to a sidemen shoot, but he promised that he would be here tomorrow to help me cook.

i replied 'don't be silly tobi, i can manage, you don't need to wake up early just for me'

he was insistent with it 'i shall see you tomorrow' he said laughing, he pulled me in for a hug and then left.
I started prepping the foods that needed to be prepped beforehand and for the rest of the day, I just chilled by myself, unsure of what to do with myself.

*beep beep beep* i groaned, it was 4.30am and i rolled out of bed and got into the shower. I washed my hair and put on a fresh nightie after i came out. By the time I had started cooking, it was 5am. I started by blending the urid daal into a paste. I then grinded some white rice that i soaked with sugar into a paste. I then heard a knock on the door, I checked the time wondering who it was, the clock read 5.54am, I looked through the peephole, it was Tobi.

'Happy new year!' he said grinning

'thank you ! what are you doing here' i smiled at him

'i said i'd be here, and here i am, i'm actually very excited' I gave him a big hug.

'i'm glad, right come on in then, let's cook!'

I gave him the onion cutting goggles and I asked him to cut the onions, chillies and garlic, whilst I cut all the vegetables.

I put the first saucepan on the stove and heated the oil. I put in; mustard seeds, cumin, fennel seeds and other spices (idk what you call them in english lmao). I then added the onion and the garlic and fried it off. I added the aubergine and put the curry and chilli powder and shut the lid of the saucepan. I then started on the daal, to which Tobi said

'omg i've watched vikk make this for a sidemen video!!'

'ayyy so you know what you're doing ahha' i gave him a gentle nudge.

I had finally finished all the curries and it was 7am. I made aubergine curry, daal, beetroot, spinach, string beans and tapioca curry. I made me and Tobi some chai, both collapsed on the sofa next to each other.

'cooking with you is fun you know' he said looking at me

'yess definitely!! i love how you want to learn about my culture sm, it's cute' i said smiling 'and you've helped cut the workload down massively' i said cheekily.

After we finished the chai, I got up to make the snacks. Tobi objected to this, pulling my arm then grabbing my waist, he sat me down on his lap. I turned around and smiled, after kissing him for a few moments, i went to get up and he stopped me again.

'tobiiii those snacks aren't gonna fry themselves' i said. Instead I grabbed his arm and pulled him up. We walked over to the kitchen and I poured the oil into the saucepan, letting it heat up. I decided to speed things up, i would heat up two saucepans and fry the sweet snacks in one and the savoury in the other. I stood in the kitchen aimlessly, waiting for the oil to heat up. Tobi came and hugged me from behind, resting his chin on my head. We stood there swaying side to side for a few moments, i started to hear the oil crackle.

'that's my cue' i turned around and smiled at him 'you don't have to stand up, go and sit on the sofa, you must be tired'

'what kind of company would i be if i left you in the kitchen alone' he gently pushed me jokingly 'no i'll at least come into the kitchen with you'

i smiled at him 'thank you tobes, you're the best company'

I started to fry the savoury 'doughnuts' (idk what you call them lmao) and then i moved on to the sweet snacks. I alternated between flipping the 'doughnuts' and taking out the sweet snacks. I then started to make a snack called 'murruku' which was made from gram flour. Tobi even attempted to make a few which i took a few pictures of, he clocked this and started posing which made me laugh. I then went on to make this thing which I can only describe as a big crisp- which i made lots of. After a long time, we were finally done. I opened the fridge, only to see the plantain still there.

i groaned 'oh no i forgot to fry the plantain, i'm such an idiot'

Tobi stepped in 'i can cook plantain, you sit down for now'

I decided to sit on the counter and smiled at him. He looked good cooking. After around 15 minutes, he was done.

tobi asked me if i was going to take a nap now

'not yet, basically we do this thing where we put food in front of people who are dead, as an offering and you're meant to do it in the morning, it shouldn't take too long'

'would you like any help' he asked

'no thank you, take a seat, i shouldn't be too long'

I went and got the picture of my parents from my bedroom and I grabbed a chair so i could put the picture on it. I lit a candle in front of the photo. I then went and cut a banana leaf, to fit the plate and I put rice and all the different curries on the plate. On a separate plate, i put all the different snacks. I placed all on these in front of the picture and went to get some water to put there.

'Right im done' i smiled at him

he looked over to my parents and then hugged me 'they would've been so proud of you'

'thanks tobi' i gave him a quick peck. 'i am shattered, so i'm gonna take a nap, do you need to go?'

'nopee, i think im gonna stay here with you'

I grabbed his arm and pulled him to my bedroom, i quickly got changed into a hoodie and shorts. I collapsed into bed and Tobi followed, he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him. He left his hand on my waist which i started playing with. He was playing with my hair again he knew i loved that. I slowly started drifting off to sleep.

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