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*time skip one month ish*

Today the inevitable happened. My auntie died. I visited her at the hospital,  she knew that today was the day because she gave me an envelope and told me to open it when I was on my own. The visit was the same as any normal visit, we all sat together as a family and played games, mainly card games. It was filled with laughter, before i had to leave, she asked everyone to leave, so that she could talk to me on my own. She took my hands and spoke to me 'Abinaya, I know i didn't treat you right, I'm sorry it's taken me so long to see that. I hope you can forgive me and remember me as the person I am today.'

'Auntie, I have forgiven you. You have done so much for me, I am grateful for everything.' The tears flowed down my face. 'I know we didn't always see eye to eye but you were the best mother I could have when mine couldn't be there for me. Thank you'

I looked at her, she was also crying. She took my face and kissed my forehead before pulling me in for a hug. We stayed like this before everyone else came in and joined in the hug. We then took a family photo together. I said my goodbyes to her and left. I got the tube home and decided to take a nap, when I woke up a few hours later my uncle called to tell me. I needed Tobi but he was at a sidemen shoot. I got up and decided to clean the flat because it was a bit messy. I was doing the dishes when I heard the door open, I washed the last dish and walked over to him. He sensed something was wrong and hugged me, I started sobbing into his chest. 'she's...gone' I said through the sobs.
'oh abi' he consoled me whilst running his hands through my hair. He led me to the sofa, where I placed my head on his chest and just sobbed.

'I feel like an idiot for not speaking to them for years, I was pathetic.'

Tobi cupped my face with his hands 'you are not pathetic Abi, you did what you had to do to find your peace. And at least you've been on good terms with her for the past year ish, both of you found your peace with each other before it was too late and that's what's important'.

I gave a half hearted smile and placed my head back on his chest. He was right, at least we were on good terms. When Tobi went to make dinner, I went into our bedroom and opened the envelope that my auntie gave me, a gold necklace fell out. I picked it up and it had a pendant with a fire lily on it (it has a significance in tamil culture!). I read the letter and in part of it she explained that my mum gave this to her as a wedding present and my auntie wanted me to have it. I started sobbing again, why did she have to die? She was the closest figure i had to a mother and she was taken away too early. I collapsed back onto the bed and just sobbed. Tobi came in and saw me, he climbed into bed on the opposite side and held me whilst I sobbed. I clutched onto the necklace because it was the only thing that connected me to my mum and auntie. Tobi went to turn off the lasagne that he made, I decided I would try and eat just for him, so I followed him into the front room. He saw me and smiled, I sat at the dining room table and Tobi came out holding two plates with lasagne on it. I took a few bites at it was delicious. 'thanks Tobi, this is delicious.' He smiled at me. I managed to eat roughly half of it, before giving in. I went to do the dishes but Tobi insisted that he would do it so I decided to sit on the sofa, I turned the TV on and decided to just an easy watch on so I went with Haiyuku. I snuggled up to him, a sudden wave of exhaustion hit me. My eyelids started to feel heavy and I must've fallen asleep because I felt Tobi carry me out of the living room, he tucked me in and climbed into the bed and wrapped his arm around my waist.

I woke up again at around 3.30 and I couldn't sleep. I could hear Tobi gently snoring next to me and I didn't want to disturb him so I just laid there and thought about everything. I sighed and carefully got out of bed. I went and got a nice big glass of water and just stood there for a while, unsure of what to do with myself. I decided i would try and go to sleep again, I didn't want to risk waking Tobi up because I knew how tired he was, so I ended up going into the spare room. I laid there for a while and I eventually must've fallen asleep.

I woke up to the sound of the door creaking open, I saw Tobi poke his head around the corner. I sat up, rubbing my eyes and smiled at him, indicating that it was okay for him to come in. He carried over a tray with eggs on toast and a cup of coffee and placed it on my lap. 'Good morning, I made breakfast. How comes you came and slept in here?' he tucked my hair behind my ear and sat down on the edge of the bed.

'thank you for breakfast bub, I couldn't sleep so I came to get a drink, and then I didn't wanna risk waking you up'

'ahh i wouldn't have minded Abi, I just don't want you to be on your own.' I smiled at him.

'are you not eating?' I questioned

'nah not now, not feeling too hungry.'

I managed to eat quite a bit, I sat back and sighed feeling full. 'hey that's enough for me, you should eat the rest, you also need to eat.'

He smiled and took the plate.

'thank you for breakfast Tobi, it means a lot'. I said whilst sipping on my tea.

He smiled, gave me a kiss and took my teacup off me, he then grabbed my hand. 'come on, come into the front room'

I groaned 'do i have to?'

'yes! yes you do Abi, I have a surprise.'

I got up and followed him to the front room, to my surprise he had built a den in the middle of the living room. I gasped and gave him a big hug.

'today, we are going to have a movie day together and just relax and watch a shit tonne of films.'

I smiled 'you really did this for me?' I whispered

'of course Abi' he kissed my forehead.

We got into the den and I shuffled up next to him. We put on Ice age first. The whole set up was perfect, I loved it. He was so cute.

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