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The next few months passed by quickly, it felt good. I felt content with my life. Things were going great with me and Tobi, our one year anniversary was coming up and we were growing together. We did find moving in together a bit of a challenge at the start but we adapted and overcame our differences. Another bonus was that I had finally built a stable relationship with my family, especially with my auntie and uncle, we would meet up all the time and I was happy around them. And of course there's my brother, we had also gotten a lot closer with each other. Life felt so good.

Today I was going to my auntie and uncles house for lunch. They said that they had an announcement to make, it was currently 9.30 and Ahilan was coming to pick me up in half an hour so I decided to get ready. I wore a floral skirt that just sat above my knees with a cropped yellow sweater. The journey there didn't take very long, time and Ahilan just talked normally about everything going on. When my uncle opened the door, we could visibly see that everyone was upset.

'what happened?' I questioned.

'come in dear' my uncle replied.

We sat around the sofa, Maya (my cousin) came and sat next to me, she snuggled her head in my shoulder, I wrapped my arm around her, trying to reassure her. My auntie was the one who told us.

'I have cancer, it's in the late stages.'

'how long?' i asked gently. Beside me I could feel Maya shaking from crying.

'a month or two at the most' she said softly.

I didn't know what to say, I started crying.

After a few moments she spoke again. 'This isn't my first battle with cancer, I had it years ago and I overcame it, I guess it's my time now. I don't want the next month to be sad, I want to celebrate with all of you. We are all finally together as a family let's make the most of it.'

We all smiled and nodded in agreement. We then went into the dining room and ate the most delicious lunch. Beside me Maya was still stifling her tears, I took her hand and squeezed it, letting her know that I'm here to support her. After lunch we put on a tamil film and played a card game called trumps. The morning/afternoon was filled with laughter and fun. Through the laughter, there were moments when it hit me that I wouldn't be able to have a lot of moments like this. I snapped out of my thoughts and realised that I needed to make the most of this time I have with everyone. Ahilan and I left around 5 because my auntie was getting tired. Before leaving I gave her an extra big hug. I also pulled Maya aside and told her that I'm only one phone call away if she needed anything. She nodded and pulled me in for a hug. I couldn't even begin to imagine how she felt.

The drive home started off silent, until I suddenly couldn't keep it in, the tears started flowing Ahilan took my hand.

'hey it's okay, let it out, this is an awful situation.'

'i feel guilty Ahilan, i didn't speak to them for years and now that we've finally rebuilt that bridge, it's been burnt down again.' I said through sobs.

'no Abi, you should not be putting the blame on yourself, the main thing you need to focus on is the fact that you've got a good relationship with her now.'

I smiled at him 'thanks ahilan.' For the rest of the car journey, we drove in a comfortable silence. When we arrived outside Tobi's block of flats he got out and hugged me. 'I'm here for you Abi.' I squeezed him tight, feeling grateful that I had him.

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