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I thought that things were pretty normal for the next few days, Abi seemed to be settled, she said that she had cut down on the alcohol and she was actually taking care of herself. That was what I thought anyway, until I found a whole stash of empty alcohol bottles in the cupboard, hidden behind some tins. I placed them on the counter and when Abi came in I questioned her 'what is this Abi? you said you had cut down'

She was quick to reply 'they're old bottles Tobi'

I honestly don't know whether I believed her but I gave her the benefit of the doubt, I didn't want to stop her progress. I nodded and ended up throwing the bottles away. She soon went out, to do the shopping, she took her sweet time and when she got back, I knew why. I could smell the alcohol on her as she walked through the door. 'Abi have you been drinking?'

'no' she looked at the floor, unable to make eye contact with me.

'I can smell it Abi, don't lie.' After a moments silence I sighed, I went to pack the shopping away. The door slammed shut, I quickly turned around and went out to the corridor 'Abi where are you going??' She turned around to face me, looked at me then got into the lift without saying a word. I sighed and collapsed onto the sofa. Instead of moping, I decided I would edit some videos and be productive. The rest of the day passed by with editing and recording for moresidemen. I checked the time and it was 9pm, Abi wasn't back and she had been gone the whole evening. I called her and she declined the calls, she read my messages and didn't reply. I honestly didn't know what to do, i clearly wasn't much help in this situation. I decided to watch a movie but I couldn't pay attention, I anxiously checked my phone to see if she had called. She hadn't. I laid on the sofa, wrapped up in a blanket, I felt drained, I didn't want to give up on her but this constant worrying and anxiety had began to impact me a lot. I fell asleep on the sofa again, I heard Abi come in. 'Abi where did you go?' I sat up. I saw she had a bottle of vodka in her hands. 'i went out' she replied

'yeah I can see that Abi, you could've answered your phone or even texted me to let me know you were okay. I've been going out of my mind here wondering where you were.' I snapped.

'why do you care so much?' she snapped and walked off to the bedroom. I sighed and curled up again on the sofa.

The next few days were even worse, Abi didn't talk to me at all, she was coming home later and I could tell she was more drunk throughout the day. I knew I would have to make a choice soon, I was tired of chasing after her all the time. I hadn't slept properly in days, every night I would wait on the sofa to make sure that she came home and that she was safe. I just felt so trapped and drained all the time.

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