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hiii this chapter is quite soppy, a lot of it is true stuff that's happened to me, alongside the van accident and idk ig it just feels good to get it out haha. anyways hope you're enjoying the story so far!!

I slowly woke up, realising i was still on Tobi's lap. I got up slowly, he also woke up as i woke up. 'Sorry i didn't mean to wake you up'

'it's alrighty, so are you feeling more rested now abi?'

'do you know what? yeah i am, definitely, i always feel better when you're around tobi, you just have a calming presence and you manage to scare the demons away ahah'

'well i am and expert in demon scaring, i do try my best' he replied with a cheeky grin.

We looked at each other, our stared lingering for what felt like minutes.

'abi, i really want to get to know you more, I feel like i've only just reached surface level' he said

i was feeling brave, 'ask away' i replied, i'm ready to open up to you more.

'soo um idk what to ask now haha.... um what about family, do you not have any relatives nearby? you don't have to reply if you don't feel ready!'

'i shall give you a quick whistle stop tour of my life. so basically i was born in Sri Lanka, there was a brutal civil war going on, life was normal, it was hard but we managed. Until one day, there were multiple shellings over my village. I lost my pregnant mother, my dad and my grandad. I was homeless, a family friend found me and helped me, he snuck me onto a ship, carrying goods to the UK. I spent god knows how long on that ship, with little food and water, i was one of the lucky ones that survived. Tears were streaming down my face again. Anyways to cut a long story short, after arriving in the UK, i was passed around some of my family's houses such as my aunties and uncles but they never really took me seriously, they never understood me. They never seemed to understand that I came to a completely new country all alone, I had just lost my parents, they never took my mental health seriously I felt so alone. Also considering the fact that I was 8. Anyways i moved out at 19, i had saved some money for a few years and then I decided to go to university, i haven't spoken to them since i moved out and here i am ahah' God i'm so sorry i'm an absolute mess i said twiddling my fingers.

He took my hands and squeezed them. 'Have i told you how fucking proud of you i am? you're so brave, you've been through so much and you're still here fighting. You truly are amazing abi'
Unsure of what to do with myself, I smiled at him.

N e wayz, i said smiling, my turn to do a speech ahah. You've been so kind and welcoming to me tobi, i mean i was a complete stranger and you took me in and you're looking after me like i've known you for years. Genuinely  you've done more for me in the space of two weeks than my family-excluding my parents have done for me in years. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. I was just wondering if you would possibly like it if we went out together when i'm able to walk a bit more?

'Abi you don't need to thank me, i'm here for you now, you're not alone anymore... anddd when you mean going out, do you mean on a date?!' he asked whilst scratching his head awkwardly.

'um..possibly.. if you would like it to be, because i definitely do' i said tenderly

'yes, yes i would love that abi' he pulled me closer and kissed me on the forehead. We sat there cuddling for a while. Everything felt so good.

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