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Tobi's POV

I needed to find Abi asap. The last few days had been awful, she had been out of control, she would come home at all hours absolutely wasted and I cant lie, it had started to take its toll on me. I understand that she's mourning her auntie but there's limits. Today she went to her uncles house for dinner, when I called him and asked what time she was coming home at, he informed me that she had left at 6. It was currently 8.30, she could be anywhere right now. I sighed and got into my car, unsure of where to start. I went and looked inside all of the local pubs and bars in the hopes that she would be there, but she wasn't. I called her uncle again and asked him if she was okay when she left. He replied saying that she wasn't, it was the first time she was with her family without her auntie and he could tell that she was distressed. I clenched my fist in frustration , how could we have gone from having the most perfect weekend away to now being in this mess within a matter of days. I didn't know where to start, I drove around our local area, hoping she was in the area. I felt hopeless. After about an hour of driving around, I slowly started to lose hope. Her phone was switched off and I didn't know what to do, she wasn't at the flat. I suddenly had an idea of where she might've been. I arrived and parked the car , I walked through the big black gates and made my way over to her aunties gravestone. I wasn't entirely sure where it was, but I vaguely remember the direction when we visited after the funeral. A massive wave of relief came over me when I saw her. She was sat on the ground opposite her gravestone, wine bottle in hand, I braced myself and went over. She was sobbing her eyes out. I crouched down next to her, she flinched and turned her head to see me. I pulled her close to me, her sobs intensified. 'i want her back' I noticed her words slurred together. She let go and took another big swig from the wine bottle, I noticed her shivering so I took off my coat and helped her put it on. She sobbed 'it should've been me Tobi, she has two children that are never going to see her again. If it were me, it would've been so much easier.'

'Abi no, you deserve to be here. Everyone would miss you if it was you.'

She shook her head in disagreement and continued to drink straight from the wine bottle. I tried to take it away from her but she refused. I sighed, instead I held her and tried to soothe her through her sobs. Eventually she agreed to come home with me, she was too drunk to walk properly, she leant on me for support, I guided her to the car. She was still gently sobbing, it killed me to see her like this. The drive home was pretty silent and when we got home I helped her get dressed into her night clothes. She suddenly covered her mouth and ran into the toilet, I followed and saw her throwing up into the toilet I held her hair back for her and rubbed her back. 'abi how much did you drink today?' I asked

'not enough' she replied, with a smirk. I got her some water and helped her into bed. i soothed her to sleep by stroking her hair. She fell asleep very quickly.

The next morning I woke up earlier than her and decided I would make her breakfast. As I was making it I heard the bedroom door open. 'morning how are you feeling?' I asked

'i'm alright' she replied. I gave her a cup of coffee and went to turn the bacon over. Behind me, I heard her open a bottle, I turned around and to my surprise I saw her pouring vodka into her coffee. I turned back around and thought do i say something? is it my place? i mean what would i say anyway?'  I left it, but i would definitely have to have a word with her later. After eating, we put on a film. After a while, when I saw she wasn't interested in the film, I decided to speak. 'soo do you want to talk about yesterday?'

'not really no' she replied bluntly

'okay but abi i'm here if you want to talk, please don't use alcohol as a coping mechanism.'

'i'll do whatever i need to do thanks' he got up and walked away to the bedroom. I leant back and sighed. I wanted to help her so badly but I didn't know how, it would help if she cooperated a bit more. I felt tired so I decided to take a nap on the sofa. I woke up to a blanket on me which wasn't there before. Maybe things are okay, i thought. It was currently 5.15 and I had a sidemen shoot at 6.30 so I took a shower and got dressed. Before leaving I gave Abi a kiss and told her I would be back soon, she was taking a nap so I didn't disturb her for too long.

This is just a special mention to @TBJZL2nice for encouraging me to change the storyline a bit!! <33

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