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I couldn't sleep, I kept going to sleep then waking up. I ended up just getting out of bed and having a shower, it was currently 6.30am. I slowly opened the bedroom door, I could hear her heavy breaths, I snuck in and got my clothes and my duffel bag. I placed them all on the sofa and started folding the clothes into the bag, by the time I had finished, it was 6.50am. I sat down with my head in my hands, so many thoughts were running through my head. I decided to go for a walk, it was really chilly outside, there was a strong breeze but I liked this, it woke me up more. When I got home, I made myself some breakfast, I then went and packed my laptop. After a while, I heard Abi come out of the bedroom. I stood up, I felt nervous. 'Abi we need to talk.' I shifted, the nerves taking over. I couldn't help but think how ill she looked, her eyes were all puffy and she just looked worn out i guess.

'what is it.' there was a slight edge to her voice.

'we need to take a break for a few days. I'm sorry i just feel so trapped, I feel like a break will do us both some good.' I started tearing up. 'i want you to know that i'm not giving up on us, I will forever fight for us and I know you have it in you to get better.'

She started crying 'where are you going to stay'

'i'm going to be close by, it's just for the next few days Abi. it's all too much right now'.

I wiped her tears, 'i love you abi, i don't want you to think i'm abandoning you, i'm not. i have written down some places you can receive support, I believe in you, we both clearly need the space and it's only for a few days, i'll be back.' I kissed her forehead and hugged her, before walking out of the flat with my duffel bag. I had arranged it with harry, I was going to stay with him for the next few days. I sighed, I knew i was doing the right thing for me, but i didn't want to make her worse. I feel awful.

Abi's POV
I watched him walk out, I stood there in shock, unsure of what to do. I decided to go back to bed, I laid there and sobbed into the pillows. I pushed him away. I fucked up really badly. I don't understand why i'm like this, he wanted what's best for me and i ended up just pushing him away. I ended up wallowing the whole day. I finished the remaining wine and ended up texting Tobi.

Me: Tobi I'm sorry, come back.

He read the message and didn't reply. I cried into my pillow, it was stupid because I knew he would be back soon. I just had to pull my weight and quit the alcohol, but I didn't want to, I wanted to continue feeling numb.

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