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The hour inside Dr Fosters office felt like it dragged on for ages. I don't know how it went, she asked lots of questions, she even asked me to talk about my parents and my life in Sri Lanka. I didn't know how to react, I had bottled up so much over my whole life and I don't know how I should feel right now. I held back my tears, thanked her and said i would see her again soon.

I got into the car and just smiled at him. He sensed that I wouldn't want to talk about it and simply just grabbed my hand, rubbing it, in the hopes of calming me.

We drove home in silence, as soon as we got through the door i got changed into comfy clothes and collapsed into bed. I couldn't hold it in anymore, i just broke down and started crying into the pillow. Tobi heard this, he came into the room and just held me, letting me sob onto his lap. 'I'm so sorry' i said through sobs.

he helped me sit up and he cupped my face using his hands. Looking into my eyes he said 'hey it's been a rough time for you, you're bound to be confused about everything, just let it out' he said.

'god, it was awful tobi. but not on her end, it's because i never open up to anyone, i think i'm just overwhelmed, we even spoke about my childhood.'

'well i'm glad you're getting some help abi, i know how hard everything must be for you'

he held me there for what felt like ages, until his phone rang. hang on a minute it's harry.

'hey bog, what's good....yup....yup...i'll let you know in a bit...byee'

I looked up at him 'he wanted us to come over for food and drinks, but i wasn't sure if you'd be up for it, so i wanted to check with you first.'

'what time does he want us to come over'

'around 8, there's no set time, we can just go whenever'

'it might be good to get out of the flat, so yeah i'll have time to calm down and sort myself out'

'yeah that's fine but if you feel like you don't wanna go just tell me' he said smiling.

I gave him a quick peck and told him I was gonna take a shower. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, i looked like a mess my cheeks were all puffy, mascara was running down my face. I turned around to him and jokingly said 'how have you not run away from this face yet, i look like a mess'

'i could never run away from you' he said with a glint in his eyes.

After showering and sorting myself out, I came out to tobi holding a cup of tea. 'here, i thought it might help'

'thanks tobes'

We played a couple of games of call of duty, it got me hyped, I kept screaming 'die zombie motherfuckers. die.' this sent tobi off into a fit of laughter every time. It was great. I went and got dressed, i just put on my maxi skirt with a black illvzn top.We then decided to leave for Harry's which was also very close to Tobi's apartment, only a 5 minute walk.

We walked into harry's apartment and pretty much everyone was there. Harry pointed at us holding hands and in a cheeky voice asked how we were doing. we just smiled back.

'right lads i'm thinking of ordering pizza, how does that sound' harry called out. everyone nodded their heads. 'great, i'll order that now'

I wasn't feeling too hungry, so i just had one or two slices of pizza from Tobi's box. I sat back, just observing everyone's conversations. I zoned in and out, occasionally laughing at any jokes. It was around 10pm and harry bought out lots of different alcohol. And started pouring it for everyone.

Ethan looked up at me 'what would you like abi, ladies first' with a grin.

'umm can i just have a lemonade please, i don't feel like drinking tonight'

'sure, coming right up'

'thank you!'

The boys were now absolutely peppered and playing fifa, it was hilarious to watch watch them tryna figure out the controls whilst drunk. I couldn't stop laughing.

At around 11.30pm, i asked tobi if it was okay if we left. I was feeling quite tired, he agreed and we said our goodbyes to everyone.

We walked home in a comfortable silence, apart from when tobi asked if i was okay.

After tobi shut the door, i don't know what came over me, I grabbed his neck and pulled him closer to me, kissing him passionately. We stood there making out against the door, until he picked me up, i wrapped my legs around him and he carried me to the bedroom, where he began to kiss my neck, the butterflies were going crazy in my stomach, i don't think he realised how much i wanted him in that moment. He suddenly ran his hands down my hair, one hand ran down my back grabbed my waist. He was on top of me, so i pulled him closer and started kissing his neck. I grabbed the bottom of his shirt and pulled it over his head, following suit he took my top off and started unclipping my bra. I'm guessing you can imagine the rest;) but all i'm gonna say is that it was absolutely perfect.

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