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Abi's POV
I know he was just trying to help, but he is really beginning to annoy me. I just don't know how to feel. I got out of bed and poured myself a glass of wine. Alcohol helped numb the pain, it helped me forget how much of a messy life i've had. After a few glasses, the bottle was finished, I decided to leave the house and go out for drinks. When I got to the bar I ordered a fair amount of shots and cocktails. It felt amazing slowly forgetting everything. As I drank more and more I noticed the room had gone fuzzy and suddenly it felt like the walls were closing in. I decided to leave the bar and I just started walking, I didn't know where I was going but I continued to walk. I came across a corner shop and ended up buying some more bottles, I carried on walking and drinking, with no purpose.

Tobi's POV
I decided I would buy Abi some dinner on the way home from the shoot, I bought her food from the chinese takeaway near our flat. When I came home, she wasn't there. I felt hopeless. I decided to call her, she decided not to pick up. I texted her asking where she was and what time she was going to come home at. I got the bluntest reply of 'i'm out. I'll be home soon, I'm fine.' I sighed and decided to eat, I wasn't about to go and chase after her again, she clearly wanted to be left alone. I did wait for her to come home though, I sat on the sofa and scrolled through my phone, it was currently 11.30pm. I must've fallen asleep on the sofa because I woke up to loud knocks on the door. I squinted as I checked my phone, the time read 1.24am. I went to open the door and saw it was Abi, her eyes were red, mascara running down her face and she was holding onto the wall. I let her in, she didn't say anything to me she just walked in, I could smell the alcohol on her she stumbled along the way but she slowly made her way into our bedroom and shut the door. I sighed and shut the front door, I wish she would at least talk to me. I ended up sleeping in the spare room. I really didn't know what to do, I felt helpless. The next morning, I woke up before Abi and made myself some toast. I decided to go on a walk, I felt trapped, Abi was self destructing and it hurt me to see her like that. I don't know I just needed to clear my head. When I came home, I found Abi sat on the sofa on her phone, with food on a plate.

'you can't keep on doing this Abi.' I said gently, I sighed and sat on the sofa.

'do what?' she questioned, refusing to make eye contact with me.

'the late night drinking, daytime drinking, just the drinking in general. Fair enough i'm not stopping you from drinking but the amount you're drinking seems unhealthy.'

'i'm fine'

'Abi, I want to be here for you. Please just talk to me, i know how hard everything is right now but you're not alone.'

She broke down in front of me. I pulled her close to me and just let her weep. She didn't say anything but she wept into my shoulder.

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