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I woke up at 9.45am, still cuddled up to Tobi. I looked over to see him still sleeping. God he looks so cute, I thought to myself. I sat there scrolling through my phone, unsure of what to do with myself. It had been 10 mins, so i slowly unraveled myself from him, trying so hard not to wake him up and started to make my way back to his bathroom quietly, but my dumbass managed to knock a water bottle over.
I turned around to see him waking up, 'oops sorry' i said shrugging my shoulders.
'come back abi, it's cold in here' he groaned
I smiled and did a U turn, and made my way back to bed, where Tobi had his arm out, as an invitation to get in. I got in smiling and snuggled up to him, looking up, I asked him what the plan was for today.
'hmmm i have a sidemen shoot, it's just a football video but that's at 4 so i have nothing until then' he replied, after a couple of moments of silence, he asked me

'would you like to come along? you don't have to, but if you did you can just sit behind the cameras. I'm worried about you, you haven't left the house properly in ages, it might be nice to get out of the house'

I thought about it for a moment 'yeah it would be nice, especially now that I know the other lads more' i said with a smile.

'you sure you're not too tired?' he asked

i giggled and replied 'how can i be tired when i have my favourite demon slayer around, but seriously i slept so good last night, thank you'

'you're right you know, i'm excellent at it, and don't worry I will make sure you're as comfy as possible' he said with a grin.

'hey depending on how you feel after football, would you like to go on a walk?' i questioned him 'i think i'm ready to start walking around now, without the crutches'

'yeah sure, only if you feel ready though' he said in support.

'Right, breakfast time' he said as he got up from bed. I saw this as my cue to have a shower and freshen up quickly.

After leaving the shower, I got changed into a woolly jumper with my black leggings. I absolutely hated dressing up with a knee brace, it just stuck out.

As i made my way out of tobi's bedroom, a gentle waft of melting butter entered my nostrils. i tenderly walked over to the kitchen, i could see that he was making waffles.

'waffles?' i questioned, 'is there anything you can't do tobi?'
he simply smiled in return.

'these waffles are amazing' i said after swallowing a big bite.

After eating i helped him clean up, it was currently 11am so we ended up collapsing on the sofa together. 'soooo...' he began
'yeeeess' i replied

'shall I teach you how to play fifa? or we can stick with what you know and play GTA, I don't mind either way!'

'fifa sounds good but i'm going to be shite ahah'

'no worries, that's why you've got me to help haha'

After repeatedly teaching me the controls, it seemed like we were good to go. 'This is stressful' i said laughing 'my heart beats going crazy.' After a tense few minutes, I managed to score. 'GOOOOALLLL' i shouted 'noice one' tobi said, high-fiving me. Tobi ended up winning. 'you put up a good fight you know?' he turned around smiling at me' After a good few games, i gave up. I checked my watch, it read 1pm leaning back, i gave a sigh of relief.

'What's up?' he asked me

'oh..um..it's nothing' i said

'nope i will not accept that, somethings wrong abi, talk to me' he said with a smile on his face

'idk, i can't place my finger on it. I was just thinking about how I hardly open up to anyone, i mean i can barely maintain friendships, people always end up leaving because i'm difficult. idk what i'm talking about the waffles are making me waffle ahha. i guess i'm just wondering, what made you stay, you didn't have to take me in, but you did and i'm just wondering if you're gonna get fed up with me'

he looked at me in the eyes and simply said 'hey i knew it would be a gamble to ask you to stay with me, but i haven't regretted it one bit, i have loved you staying with me, your vibe is perfect... you're perfect. You're not too much for me to handle.' he smiled

'sorry' i replied 'i've never been so open with anyone like i have been with you. it's confusing for sure, but it has definitely helped speaking about it. idk you're different, i trust you. The tears were forming.

he took my hands 'i'm glad you can trust me, I'm here for you, the friends that left you don't know what they missed out on, you're a great person to be around.'

'thank you' i said as i gave him a hug, he wrapped his arms around me, just holding me there. I soon let go and we just sat there watching tv. Tobi made me a nice sweet cup of tea, to help with my shakiness.

Soon it was time to leave for the football pitch, i secured my knee brace, and brought my crutches, incase i needed it.

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