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I woke up to the sound of the door knocking, I moved my arm to find that the bed was empty. I heard Tobi shut the front door to then open the door to the balcony, I curled up and laid there still feeling so tired. I felt the weight shift on the bed so I turned around. Tobi tucked my hair behind my ear 'morning gorgeous, I ordered breakfast.'

I took his hand that was playing my hair and kissed it 'thank you, what time is it'

'it's currently 10.45'.

'damn I best get up.' He took me out and led me to the balcony, where there was the most amazing spread on the table, the sun was shining brightly over us. He then proceeded to pull the chair out for me. 'such a gentleman' I smiled at him. We ate the most delicious breakfast, I sat back because I was so full. After we ate and cleared the plates, we sat around for a bit, before getting ready to go out. I wore a floral dress that just reached below my knees and paired this with a yellow cardigan. We walked out of the hotel and we took a riverbus across the canal, as we went through the water we could see so many beautiful views. We visited some really nice churches and other buildings. The interior of all the buildings were gorgeous, I didn't expect it to be that nice. We spent the whole day walking through the streets of venice together. It was a beautiful city. Tobi took the opportunity to become my personal photographer, every little thing I did he took pictures, he was so cute. We ended up eating our dinner at a cute little restaurant that overlooked a canal. We then continued strolling, looking around the area, we noticed that the sun was setting so we made our way up to a terrace, where we sat and watched the sunset. We ordered drinks, I had a mojito and Tobi ordered a mocktail. I shuffled my chair closer to him and wrapped my arm around his waist. I leant into him and smiled, everything about this moment was perfect. The sunset was the most beautiful shade of pink and it was slowly fading. The conversation flowed easily, we spoke about life in general, I ended up opening up about how i was still struggling with coming to terms with my aunties death. He was very understanding about it. After a while of just talking we decided it would be best if we left, because the darkness was setting in. Whilst walking, Tobi noticed how cold I was and offered me his coat, I smiled and gratefully accepted it, he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I wrapped mine around his waist. We walked like this back to the riverbus. Just when I thought the city couldn't get any better, the journey back was amazing. We could hear the gentle noises of the canal, the buildings reflected the water and the moon shone brightly above us. It was a beautiful sight, I rested my head on Tobi's shoulder whilst admiring the beautiful views of Venice.

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