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I woke up at 11.30am, my brain felt groggy and I felt awful. I suddenly had the realisation of yesterday's events. I sighed, I missed the comfort of having him around I wanted him back. I knew the only way that would happen was if I quit drinking. I collected all the empty bottles and placed it in the recycling bin, I then got the bottles that still had alcohol in it and poured it all down the sink, in order to quit i had to get rid of the temptation. Unsure of what to do with myself I sat down to watch some TV. I could feel my fingers trembling as I put the show on, this was going to be so much harder than I thought. I felt restless, I couldn't focus on the TV, I kept fidgeting. I sighed in frustration and decided to go for a walk. I chucked on a fresh pair of leggings and hoodie, before I left I took one long look at myself in the mirror, I teared up. I looked awful, I really had let myself go. I took a few deep breaths and decided to leave. I ended up waking for a good hour and a half, It was better than sitting around at home. By the time I had gotten home, I was starving because I didn't eat breakfast, I made a nice big bowl of pasta. Although the nap helped, I still felt so restless, I ended up getting into bed at 6pm unable to concentrate on anything else. I suddenly felt a hot flush coming on and I was all sweaty, I felt gross.

I slept like a baby. I was so worn out that I slept throughout the whole night. Today I was going to go to an alcoholics anonymous meeting, I just thought it would be nice to see people similar to me. I got out of bed feeling gross from all of yesterday's sweat so I decided to shower, after singing my heart out I ate my breakfast then got ready. The meeting was being held in the local church, which was only a 15 minute walk away. I was still feeling very shaky, I'm not sure whether this was due to the alcohol withdrawal or the nerves but I tried to ignore it as much as I could. The church looked quite run down, the stairs made a creaking noise as I made my way up. As I made my way through the double doors, I was greeted by a lady 'welcome, please come in and take a seat'. I smiled and sat in the circle, there was only two people there, there was a young man with short blonde hair, he looked mature. He smiled at me. The other person looked a bit younger, he was wearing black tracksuit bottoms and a hoodie, wearing a cap. He looked mysterious, he had a straight face and looked like he wanted to be anywhere but here. Slowly, more and more people joined the circle and the meeting started. When the meeting finished, I made myself a cup of tea and stood there, thats when mysterious hoodie boy came up to me.

'I saw you looking at me in the meeting' his voice was deep.

'oh was i, sorry' I smiled at him. 'i'm abi, What's your name?'

'uh i'm jaxson.. nice to meet you' he held out his hand which i chuckled and shook.

We made awkward conversation until I decided to leave. When I got out of the church and took a deep breath I felt good. I decided to text Tobi, i just wanted to see him quickly.

Me: hey i was just wondering if you wanted to quickly grab some coffee? x
He replied instantly.
Tobi: i don't know if that's a good idea abi. x
actually fuck it, yeah i would love to, shall we meet at the cafe down the road? x

Me: yeah sure, i'll be there in 15 mins x

I saw him waiting outside the cafe. I smiled as I got closer, I didn't know how to act.

'heyy' I smiled as I approached.

'hii' he hugged me, it felt awkward but it was nice.

We went inside and ordered. When we sat down Tobi looked at me and said 'you're looking better Abi, I know it's only been a day or two but you just look healthier.'

'thank you, i appreciate it. I've just been to a AA meeting, it was comforting hearing other people going through the same thought process.'

'I'm glad you're getting the help you want Abi'

I smiled at him and suddenly it went quiet. I didn't know what to say, we sat there sipping our drinks in silence.

'I'm sorry Tobi' I looked at him in the eyes.

'what for?'

'pushing you away and being so difficult to deal with over the past few weeks.'

he took my hands 'it's okay Abi, I knew that you were self destructing so I thought it would be best if i stepped back.'

'i'm kind of glad you did. It gave me the wake up call I needed. Actually I wanted to tell you that you should move back in, it's unfair that you've moved out. I'll go and stay with Ahilan for a few days then come home at the end of the week.'

'nah it's okay Abi, you stay there I don't mind'

'no no Tobi, what about your streaming and everything, people are going to question it.'

'only if you're sure then.'

Before leaving, he hugged me and gave me a kiss on the forehead. 'i'll probably be gone by the time you come home Tobi, but i'll be back this week if that's okay with you?'

'of course, come back whenever you want.'

I went home and packed my bags. As much as I loved spending time with Tobi, I also felt like we needed this break

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