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Things were going well with Tobi, he was very understanding about everything, especially after my chaotic episode. Anyways, today was the day of my parents death, I decided I would go to the temple and say a few prayers, I pretty much did this every year. Tobi knew this and respected my wishes of being alone and gave me some space.

I didn't do a lot after going to the temple, I just took the day as a 'self care' day and took it easy on myself. I also cooked my parents favourite food and put it in front of their photo as a tradition. In the evening, I decided I didn't want to be alone and went to Tobi's flat, we had a movie night together, it was just nice being in his company.

The next few days went by in a breeze. I spent most of my time with Tobi. We would spend most nights at his, however some were spent as mine as well. I laid awake, thinking about nothing but somehow my thoughts were full. I checked my phone to see the time, i squinted as my phone brightness was at its highest, it read 4.14am. Behind me I could feel tobi stirring, his grip on my waist tightened.

'are you okay? can you not sleep again?' he mumbled.

'mmm sorry i didn't mean to wake you, but no i can't sleep, i don't know what's wrong'

After a few moments, he got out of bed and walked over to my side of the bed and took my hand, encouraging me to get out of bed.

'what are you doing tobi'

'come on, instead of just laying there, let's go and watch the sunrise together'

i smiled at him 'you know me so well, but imma need a shit ton of coffee'

'we can get that on the way'

I chucked on a pair of leggings and an oversized ILLVZN hoodie, I chucked on my jacket and put my hair in a low ponytail. We walked out of the flat at around 4.30 and decided we should go to the spot where we watched the sunset. We walked hand in hand, there was a slight chill in the air, but there was just something about leaving the house at this time that I loved. We bought a large coffee to share on the way and made our way to our spot. unsurprisingly the park was practically empty.

We could see the sun coming up, the breeze had settled down and we could hear the birds in the trees communicating with each other. After a while of sitting there in a comfortable silence, he suddenly turned around to face me, he pulled a white rose from behind his back. I took it out of his hands, smiling.

'I really like you, you've made me so happy over the past few months and I like the pace we've been going at, would you like to be my girlfriend Abi? I'm sorry if you feel like this is rushed or anything, i don't-'

I cut him off by kissing him. 'Tobi yes, I would love to be your girlfriend, you're perfect and I love us together'

He lifted my chin and leant in for a kiss. The realisation set in, I was Tobi's girlfriend. This was everything. We sat there making out and cuddling for a while, and we slowly made our way back at 6, walking and talking about everything and nothing. We went to the bakery near my flat and bought some pastries, we went back to my flat and i made us some chai. After eating we went and laid down on my bed, i played with his hair and we slowly drifted off to sleep.

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