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I was greeted by Harry at the flat, who had a big grin on his face.
'heyyy, how are you?!'

'i'm good thanks harry, how are youu'

'i'm alright, nothing new'

I followed him and tobi into the flat, I placed the cake on the counter and went to sit on the couch, Tobi had sat inbetween Josh and Simon so the only space available was between two girls who i have never seen before. I looked over at tobi who gave me an encouraging smile. Walking over, I smiled at them saying 'hello'.

'heyy i'm talia, this is freya. what's your name?' she asked

'i'm abi! I like your top'

'awe thank you' she replied

After a few awkward smiles, I broke the silence, 'sooo who are you guys here with?'

Freya was first to speak 'I'm with Josh'
Talia then said 'I'm with Simon'

Freya then diverted the attention to me, 'soo, you and tobi huh?' she smirked nudging Talia

'yeeeees' i replied with a smile

'how did you guys meet then, simon told me some details but not everything' talia asked

'sooo basically i got hit by a van and Tobi was near the scene, he helped call the ambulance and everything and then he visited me in hospital, where we became friends. He then took me in and looked after me'

'wow, that's so cute omg' freya replied

'that is EVERYTHING' talia said in agreement

'yup i've been blessed to meet someone like him'

they nodded in agreement 'right i'm off to get a drink, does anyone want anything?' she asked us

'ummm i'll come with you, and see what he has' i replied

i opted for a glass of wine, i decided not to drink a lot today but once glass cant do a lot of harm.

me, talia and freya ended up just making general conversation about a lot of things, it was easy talking to them, the conversation just flowed.

Soon the food arrived, so we dispersed, I ended up talking to pretty much everyone. It was that time of the night where everyone was tipsy and it was just funny to watch whilst being sober. Tobi came along and pulled me to the side.

'heyyy are you enjoying yourself?'

'yess i am thank you!!' i replied smiling, i hugged him, feeling blessed. At this point Simon and Talia came over and teased us 'naw you guys are too cute' we broke apart and just smiled.

I went into the kitchen and placed candles in the cake, I gave Talia a nod, who dimmed the lights and started singing. I carried out the cake, whilst singing. Tobi blew out the candles and gave me a hug. 'special shout-out to abi for making the cake' everyone cheered at this. I cut everyone a slice and handed it out, pretty much everyone who ate the cake complimented it, which made me feel happy.

By this point, everyone was very badly drunk dancing, I joined in but my knee couldn't handle it, so i stepped back, embracing the moment. I decided to go out onto the balcony, just for some fresh air, I sat on the egg chair swinging forwards and backwards slowly. Freya came out, 'hey gurlll, you good?'

'yeah i'm fine thanks, just needed some fresh air' i smiled

'well me and josh are leaving now, do you need me to do anything for you' she asked

'no thanks freya' i stood up and hugged her 'it was nice meeting you, hopefully we'll see each other soon, yeah?'

'same here gurl, yeah me you n' talia should get together soon'

'byeeee' i sat back in the egg chair, feeling relaxed. I heard the balcony door open, Tobi came out and smiled. 'you good?' he asked standing next to the chair, holding a slice of cake.

'yeahh' i replied, i patted the chair and he came and sat next to me. He offered me some cake, to which i shook my head. Tobi being Tobi decided break a piece off and give he fed me some. I giggled, gratefully accepting it. I rested my head on his shoulder and started playing with his hand. We both observed the london traffic down below, I smiled feeling good. For once in my life I felt at peace, I felt calm, i felt content.

I looked up to see Tobi in a daze over the busy London roads. 'hey tobes?' I said softly

'yees' he replied, snapping out of his daze, turning his head to look at me.

'I'm happy you were the one to help me at the accident, these past few months have been the best, you're the most amazing, pure human being and i've never felt happiness like this. I love you Tobi Brown.'

I didn't realise i had been looking down, I looked up to him staring into my eyes. He cupped my face, his palm cradling my chin. 'I love you too Abi, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me' We both leaned in, our lips met, after a few passionate moments he rested his head on my forehead, we smiled at each other.

I didn't realise how cold i was, I suddenly shivered. Tobi wrapped himself around me 'hey do you wanna go back in, you're freezing?' He led me back inside, where the people left behind were sat around the sofa.

'what were you two lovebirds doing outside?' Ethan smirked

'just talking' i replied, smiling up at tobi

we collapsed onto the sofa with everyone else. I checked the time, it read 2.37am. God i was shattered.

tobi whispered into my ear 'hey thanks for making this birthday perfect' his whisper sent shivers down my spine, making me feel some typa way.

i smiled and whispered back 'i'm glad you enjoyed it, you deserve it tobes.' we snuggled up together.

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