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The journey there didn't take too long, we didn't speak much, mostly just vibed to tobi's music- which by the way he has amazing music taste. I just love the versatility of his music, one moment you're going from artists such as Skepta, JME etc and then you're suddenly listening to Frank ocean, khalid etc i love it.

We arrived at the football pitch, as i get out of the car, Tobi whipped out a small camping chair and foot stool. I laughed at him and jokingly replied 'yeah you can laugh all you want but i did say that i would make you feel comfortable'
'thank you' i said in return, linking my arm into his.

As we walked over, I waved at them and a couple of the boys pointed out the fact that I didn't have my crutches with me. I smiled and replied 'i'm going up in the world guys, you better watch out' whilst laughing.

'oh yeah abi this is calfreezy and that is callux, guys this is abi' tobi said introducing us.

'ahh so you're the infamous abi' callux said with a smirk,nudging calfreezy 'nice to meet you abi, i smiled back at both of them.

'Right then he asks, where shall i place the chair? is here good?'

'yeah that's fine, thank you tobi' i replied plonking myself down on the chair and putting my leg up on the footstool.

He delved into his backpack and pulled out small flask, he gave it to me with a grin on his face. 'here you go, i made you some tea, incase you felt tired or anything and there's some snacks in here if you get peckish' he said pointing at his backback.
in return i squeezed his arm and thanked him

'you've done so much to make me feel comfortable, thank you tobes'

'no problem, anytime'

Simon and ethan came over to me laughing about how much i looked like an old granny, sat there. I joined in joking around that all i need is my knitting to completely fit the role.

The sidemen were filming a woodwork challenge and it was very entertaining to watch them try and hit the different posts. Inbetween filming, tobi would always come over and ask how i was doing and whether i was okay. That boy is so sweet honestly.

Josh also stepped back for a few moments. 'You alright abi? how you finding living with tobi?'

'Yeah it's really nice thanks josh, he's so kind and he's looking after me well'

'good, i'm glad' 'oh that's me up brb'

After an entertaining couple of hours, the boys were done filming, i stood up and cheered them all on and i stood there talking to simon, harry and tobi whilst everyone was packing up.

Josh suggested buying Nando's and taking it back to tobi's. We all nodded in agreement.

Me, Tobi, Ethan and Harry made our way back to tobi's in his car whilst the others went to collect the food.

Once we got to the flat, Tobi went to have a quick shower and I went to change my jumper because i got it dirty. After getting changed, I went and sat on the sofa, near Ethan and Harry.

Ethan was the first to break the silence 'so abi how are you doing, especially with the injuries'

'i'm slowly getting there thanks ethan, i'm finally able to start walking on my leg and everything else still hurts but it's definitely not as painful!' i replied

he simply smiled in return. A few minutes later, Josh and the others returned with the food. They unpacked all the food and we each got our meals and sat down around the sofa. Instead of watching tv, tobi put music on and we sat around talking about just everything really.

At around 8, everyone started leaving and they all said goodbye saying they would see me again soon.

Soon me and tobi were just sat snuggled up together. He suddenly looked down 'sooo do you still want to go on that walk?' he questioned

'omg i completely forgot about that, yeah sure i should be fine' i said

'sure! do you wanna leave soon, so it doesn't get too late?'

'yes of course' i said smiling at him.

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