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I had started moving my things into Tobi's flat, I put a lot of my stuff in the guest room and just kept the important stuff out. I still had a lot of things in my flat, but I still had a few days until I had to clear it. Today, me and Tobi were going to my auntie and uncles house, for lunch. They invited us because it was my cousins birthday, she turned 14 today. I wrapped up her presents, which was a nice hoodie and I knew she was a bookworm like me, so I bought her Twilight, noughts and crosses and the hunger games. I decided to wear a calf length dress, which had polka dots on it. Tobi came into the room.

'hey abu, it is casual isn't it? I don't need to wear anything fancy?'

'nah, anything will be fine'

He smiled at me 'you're looking good'. The drive to their house took over an hour because of traffic, but Tobi obviously made the trip so much better. We parked in the driveway and knocked on the door. Maya answered, I smiled at her 'happy birthday!!' I hugged her and gave her her presents. Tobi also gave her a quick hug, which made me feel happy. I smiled as my auntie took me in for a hug. I watched Maya open her presents, she came over and gave me a big hug. 'Thank you Abi and Tobi, I've wanted to buy some of these books for so long!!'
'You're welcome Maya, let me know what you think of them when you read it'. We sat around the sofa, just talking generally, when we got onto the topic of work. My uncle asked me what my job situation was at the moment.

I gave a mini sigh 'due to the accident, obviously i wasn't able to work, so they let me go. I'm looking for a new job'

'how are you managing financially? especially with university.' my uncle questioned.

'well uncle, my placement at the hospital is only 4 days a week, i have my loan money but i'm actually going to be moving into Tobi's flat for a while, I can't afford the rent.'

'ah you should've told us Abi, we can help. If you want you can move back here? we don't mind.'

'thanks uncle, i appreciate the offer' I smiled at him and my auntie. 'it's just easier, because of my placement, it's nearby so it's easier to get there.'

'anytime abi, if you need help, please reach out to us' he replied.

The rest of the evening was filled with laughter, good food and amazing family time, which I had missed a lot. It reminded me of all the good times, when I was younger. We played cards, which bought out my competitive side, i had zero control over that side of my personality. After a few rounds of rummy, my auntie asked me to help her in the kitchen. I smiled and followed her there. To my surprise, she wrapped her hands around me and hugged me tight.

'Abi, I want you to ignore everything I said about Tobi before, he is a good man. He treats you well and he clearly makes you happy, you have my blessing, he has grown on me so much.'

The tears pricked my eyes, i looked up at her and smiled. 'you don't understand how much that means to me auntie. Thank you' I gently replied.

'I know i haven't shown it before Abi, but I am proud of you. You've been through so much and you've overcome that and look at where you are today.'

'Thank you auntie.' The inner child in me was bursting with happiness. Where was this side of my auntie when i was younger. Anyway that doesn't matter, she's here now.

Soon after, we ate our dinner, my auntie made so much food and it was delicious. We then cut Maya's cake and took lots of photos together, as a family. I smiled at the pictures on my phone. My uncle bought me a slice of cake. He cleared his throat 'Abi I need to talk to you' I looked up, wondering what this would be about.

'Abi, I don't know if you remember but you have an older brother. He was taken by the Sri Lankan army, you would have been around 4. But it turns out, he is still alive, in London in fact. He reached out to me a few days ago.'

I started crying. 'I remember him, we would always play together. One day he was just gone, I didn't question it.'

'I'm sorry I didn't tell you as soon as I found out Abi, it took me some time to process it and I didn't even know where to begin with telling you'

I hugged him. 'it's okay uncle, you told me as soon as you felt it was right, would I be able to get his number.' A few tears left my eyes. I felt confused.

The car journey home was weird. I didn't know what to say, Tobi was also silent, I guess he didn't want to say the wrong thing. I decided to speak. 'I just feel so confused Tobes, i mean 6 months ago i felt so alone, i had no family to turn to, now i have my aunt and uncle back and i have a brother. Damn. Also this absolutely made my evening, my auntie actually likes you, she accepts you as a part of this family, she gave me her blessing. That is everything to me' I smiled at him.

'Wait did she say that? also it may seem confusing and it will take a while to adjust, but this is what you've wanted and you're finally able to be completely happy.' he took my hand.

'she did say that' i smiled at him. 'she sees how happy you make me and she likes that about you. I agree, speaking to my brother will definitely be strange but I'm excited.'

His hand squeezed my thigh, 'i'm glad you've almost found your happiness Abi, you deserve it'

I smiled and sat back, it finally felt like the pieces of the puzzle were fitting into place.

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