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I decided to bake some cupcakes and cookies for everyone that was coming around tonight. I played music through my new record player, Tobi was taking a nap on the sofa. He couldn't handle the early morning start which was understandable. I started on the cookies and whilst they were baking, I stared mixing the ingredients for the cupcakes. Whilst mixing tobi came up behind me and wrapped his hands around my waist, he started kissing my neck, to which I turned around and fake scolded him, saying i had to finish these. He jumped up and sat on the counter.
'you look sexy when you're baking'

i winked at him 'I know' i giggled

I took the cookies out and placed them on a tray, i lined the cupcake tray and poured the batter into the cases. I let them bake and told tobi to keep an eye on them whilst I took a shower. I got out and picked out a floral dress that just stopped above my knees, i put on my jewellery and curled my hair. As I started to do my makeup, Tobi knocked and walked in.

'okay so i might have lied twice, i have one final present.' He handed me a small box. I opened it and it was one of those necklaces that when you looked through, there was a photo of both of us. He chose the photo of us at the rooftop garden.

'now when we're not together, we can still be together' he looked at me smiling. I looked up and hugged him.

'you are the cutest tobi' I turned around so he could put it on for me. 'it's perfect' i exclaimed. I finished my makeup and walked out to the kitchen, Tobi had taken the cupcakes out of the oven so i decided to make the buttercream. I checked the time and it read 17.32pm. I piped the buttercream on and just as I had finished, the doorbell rang. The time read 17.43pm, people were early. I went and opened the door, I stood there in shock. JME was stood at the door with Simon and Talia after a few moments i timidly said Hi. Simon chucked and said 'someone's a bit star struck' Tobi leant in and shook his hand 'what's good J'

'wagwan tobi' he replied

'wait hold on a moment, Tobi you know JME and you never told me?' i questioned him, jokingly hitting him

Tobi scratched the back of his head 'hehe surprise?'

I smiled and welcomed them in. JME hugged me and wished me a happy birthday, he handed me a card and a gift bag. 'Thank you, come in make yourself at home'

I welcomed Simon and Talia in, who gave me a big hug. 'I love your outfit Talia, that dress looks amazing on you'

We sat around just talking about random stuff for a while. Jamie then asked me a really good question. 'I like to ask everyone this Abi, do you think that grime is dead?'

After a few moments of contemplating my answer 'do i think it's dead? no, i feel like everyone's doing their own thing and I like that. I get that there are now more 'mainstream' grime artists but I feel like that opens up opportunities for others, especially new artists. Also I just feel like it can never die, songs from back in the day still slap. Like look at P's and Q's or even Serious, they're still amazing songs, even today. Grime is such an integral part of British culture that it can't die out'

'damn pulling out the big words like integral you know' tobi chuckled.

Talia giggled, 'you answered that like you would answer an essay question'

I laughed and replied 'I'm passionate about my music'

Jme grinned 'i agree with your answer, i guess we shall see where the future takes it'

Slowly everyone started coming in, I went and welcomed them all in, taking their coats and getting them drinks. I decided to stay sober today, just wasn't feeling the alcohol. I was stood with Tobi, talking to harry and Tobi had his arm around me when Freya and Josh came over. Josh smiled at us.

'naw you're so smitten' me and Tobi laughed. Freya took me away to meet Becky. I smiled and hugged her, she gave me good vibes. The party passed by, we
decided to order food in, we ordered Nando's, when it arrived we sat around the dining room table and ate the food. We were all having our own little conversations. Jamie was talking to me about my culture and everything.

'Please tell me if I'm overstepping, I just find other cultures so interesting.'

'no no it's fine, I don't mind ask away' I smiled at him.

'do you know how to cook Sri Lankan food?'

Simon chimed in 'bro she does, she invited us over for sri lankan new year and the food was amazing'

I smiled timidly, 'i was thinking of inviting everyone over one evening and cooking, so if I do i'll definitely invite you Jamie'

'I would love that, but I am vegan though.'

'that's alrightt, a lot of the vegetarian dishes are also vegan. damn, i can't believe that i'm inviting the JME over for a dinner 'party' '

he laughed 'I'm the same as any normal person Abi'

After we finished, Tobi bought out another cake and everyone started singing. I smiled and before I blew the candles out, I made a wish. We then sat around the sofa, playing need for speed on the PS4. We just sat around the sofa laughing at the drunken attempts at playing. At around 1am, people started leaving, I hugged them all and thanked them for coming. Soon it was just me and Tobi sat on the sofa. I cuddled up to him.

'this has been the best birthday ever, and that has mainly been due to you, thank you Tobi' I snuggled my head into his chest.

'ahh you're welcome Abi, anything for you' he kissed the top of my head.

'I still can't believe you surprised me by inviting Jamie, that was amazing'

'haha, yeahh i knew that you didn't know so i thought i would keep it quiet!'

I looked up, both of our lips met it was a long, passionate kiss. I cuddled back up to him. This really had been the best birthday ever.

Just a warning, im not gonna be able to post as much over the next week, which is why i've posted a few this weekend!! hope you're enjoying it<33

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