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After cleaning my flat, i checked the time, it was 10pm, i thought i would try to go to sleep early, i felt so tired. I couldn't sleep. I just tossed and turned, trying to get comfy, I checked the time and it had just gone 12. I hated this, i hated being unable to sleep it was the absolute worst. I sighed and ended up texting Tobi.
me: hey, you up by any chance? :)

tobi: yooo i'm up, lemme guess you can't sleep? :(

me: yup, do you wanna ft for a bit?

Incoming call: Tobes❣️

'yoooooo' he answered with energy
'well hello there tobiii'
'what's up? why can't you sleep?'
'idk i tried to go to sleep at 10, i just couldn't sleep so i thought i'd text you'
'i'm glad you texted me, man it's so weird not having you here, i keep going to speak to you but then i forget that you're not here'
'ikkk same i feel the urge to just come and find you but obviously i cant'
'it's so strange man'
we ended up staying on the call until 1, when I decided to go because i actually felt like i would actually fall asleep.

It was 4am and i couldn't breathe, i struggled to breathe, it was like i forgot how to breathe. I went and got myself some water in the hopes that it would calm me down, which it did. Until i couldn't control my breathing again. Man fuck anxiety attacks they are the absolute worst. I ended up getting a bag of frozen peas to help ground me and bring my breathing back to a normal speed. I went back to bed and slept like a baby. I woke up again at 10 with two messages from tobi.

tobi: morning boo🌹
           hope you slept well💞

i instantly replied
me: 'unfortunately i didn't :( i didn't have the worlds best demon slayer with me to scare the anxiety demons away:( but we roll hehe'
i actually wanted to ask you for a favour if that's okay, would you mind walking with me to tesco's please? i need to buy food but i don't want to cross that road on my own, only if you can! xx

tobi: oh i'm so sorry about that abs:( your demon slayer will be at your service soon hehe and of course i can, i can come now if that's okay? 💞

me: sure, i'm just about to quickly hop in the shower but the doors unlocked if you get here before i'm out💕

tobi: calm, see you soon💓

After getting out of the shower, i brushed my hair, and wore a pair of jeans with a blouse. I walked out of my room to see Tobi sat on the sofa.

'hiiiii' he said as he got up. I walked over and gave him a big hug, we stayed there, swaying side to side. 'it's only been 12 hours and i'm acting like this ahah' i said chuckling.

'hmmm same oop, ready to go?' he asked looking at me

We held hands as we walked to tesco, i cant lie, crossing the road was a nightmare. I squeezed tobi's hand extra hard, he squeezed back, as a form of comfort. We made it to the other side and i gave a massive sigh of relief. Tobi looked at me and smiled, you did it!! you made it across. I smiled and replied 'definitely wouldn't have been able to do it without you tobes.'

After buying everything we needed, we made our way back. I put everything away in the cupboards and sat on tobi's lap, who was sat on the sofa, i put my arms around his neck, and just hugged him. I ended up falling asleep on him, I woke up feeling very confused.

'do you want me to make you some tea? just a warning it's gonna be chai, which is a lil different' i questioned him, rubbing my eyes.

'umm yes please, go on then'

I boiled the water on the stove and added the spices; cinnamon, cardamom, star anise and cloves. I added the loose tea and let it steep, before adding the milk and sugar. Tobi had come up and sat on the counter, holding me. The milk had started to rise so I quickly turned it off and poured it into the cup at a height to form the little bubbles at the top. We sat on the sofa together, watching brooklyn 99.

'mmm this tea is amazing bub, where did you learn to make tea like this'

'hehe i'm glad you like it, when i was younger my mum taught me well' with a big smile on my face.

'hey do you know what we haven't done properly yet, we haven't gone on our date together' i said

'yeah, you're right, let's just say I have a little something up my sleeve, how would you like to go out on sunday? or is that too short of a notice?'

'sunday sounds great tobes'

The time had come where Tobi left to go back to his. 'if you need me just give me a call, i don't care what time, i'll try and be there for you!'

'thank you' i said with my head laid on his chest, we stood like this for a while.

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