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When me and Tobi spent time apart, we would still be messaging each other constantly. We spoke about everything, ranging from our childhoods, which he would ask about sri lanka and what it was like growing up to insignificant stuff such as tv shows etc. In all honesty, i missed the moments when we weren't together, it sounded stupid but it's the truth ahah.

*time skip to tobi's birthday*
Instead of texting him, I thought I would go to his apartment and surprise him with his presents and some breakfast. I got up early, and I went to the bakery a few blocks away from my flat. I bought a range of different pastries such as croissants, danish pastries and others i also bought some muffins and a loaf of bread. I walked home and cooked him a full english breakfast, which I wrapped in tinfoil to keep warm. I even used my juicer to juice a fresh glass of apple juice. I walked over to his apartment, with a big balloon that said happy birthday and knocked on the door.
'Good morning' I said with a big smile. I carefully placed the bags down on the counter and gave him a big hug, 'happy birthday!!'
He leant in for a kiss, 'thank you'. I stood there and hugged him for a minute or so.

'Right I made you breakfast, let me just get it out' i got the plate out and unwrapped the tinfoil, steam came out, not gonna lie it smelled delicious. I pulled his hand and took him to the table.

'aw you shouldn't have abi' he pulled me in for a hug.

I went and plated the pastries and toasted the bread for him. He smiled as i bought it all over, 'you really didn't have to do all of this for me'

'it's your birthday tobi, you deserve to be treated!!'

'here, come here aren't you going to eat?'

'yup, two minutes' i left to go and get him the apple juice.

'freshly juiced apple juice for the birthday boy' I ended up eating some of his breakfast because it was too much. After eating we collapsed on the sofa together. 'that was delicious, thanks abi'

'anything for you tobi' i stood up to get his presents.  'soooo i'll start of with these' I watched his face carefully as he unwrapped the present. I saw his face light up as he saw what they were.

'oh my... a pair of SK airs??' he questioned 'they're beautiful, how did you get them?? they're sold out!!'

'i have my ways hehe' i replied, tapping my nose.

'they look so much better in person... just wow'

he then went on to open his second present, which was a silver bangle, with our initials engraved on the inside. T ♡ A . I secured it into place on his wrist.

'this is beautiful, thank you abi' he pulled me in for a hug and gave me a kiss. We sat there cuddling together. I then got ready to leave, promising that i would come back in a little bit.

'what time are the others coming at?' i asked

'um around 6, but come whenever you can' he replied

'okay, see you soon!'

I went home and decided to bake Tobi a nice birthday cake. I knew his favourite was chocolate, so I got all the ingredients out. I decided to make a two tiered cake and make a vanilla buttercream to put inbetween it. Whilst the cakes were cooling, I washed my hair and braided it so it would come out wavy once it had dried. The cakes had cooled so i spread the buttercream out and stacked the cakes on top of each other and covered the cake in ganache. So far it was looking good, I piped the edges with chocolate frosting and attempted to write 'happy birthday tobi' with white icing. The cake actually looked really good, I felt proud. I checked the time and it said 5.30. I went and put on my black floral skirt that stopped below my knees and had a thigh split, I paired this with a yellow spaghetti strap silk vest top. I lightly did my makeup and i was soon ready to leave.

I carried the cake with the cake stand, unsure of how i was going to manage, with the doors. I decided to quickly call Tobi.
'heyy i'm leaving my flat now but will you be able to open the doors for me, i don't know how i'm gonna manage'

'uhhh yeah ofc, what are you bringing with you?' he chuckled

'you shall have to wait and see' i replied

I walked over to tobi's flat and saw him wait outside. He looked good tonight.

'wait did you make this??' he said pointing to the cake.

'yeeees' i said slowly, 'it's just a little treat'

'abi, you're amazing'

'hehe i know' i replied jokingly

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