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I decided to make dinner tonight, Tobi was coming home from filming soon. I made a nice creamy chicken pasta, with garlic bread. My mouth was watering by the time the garlic bread had gone in, I heard the door opening so I went over to greet him. To my surprise I saw that he had brought Jed and his sister, who I recognised. hey jed, you good? hold on a minute Janelle...is that you?'

'OMG abi???' she pulled me in for a hug.

'wait you guys know each other?' Tobi asked with a confused look on his face.

'we went to the same sixth form college but we lost contact.' I replied smiling at her 'damn you look so different, tobi's shown me pictures but it never clicked, come in and sit down'

'yeah we lost contact because SOMEONE literally fell off the face of the earth.'

I scratched my head 'oops...i have a habit of doing that. Do you still speak to anyone from college?'

'literally only sasha and Amara. How about you?'

'nope literally no one, I just lost contact with everyone, do you mind giving me their socials i'll get in touch with them at least.'

'sure of course'

'I didn't know you guys were coming, I made pasta for dinner it should be enough for all of us though.'

'thanks Abi, i'm still not over the face that you knew my sister before me. Damn' tobi replied

'i know, that is a mad coincidence'

'we have so much catching up to do Abi.' she pulled me in for a hug again.

'what do you do now?' I asked her

'Well i make music.'

It suddenly clicked in my brain 'omg of course, you were on destined for greatness. i can't believe it's all only just clicking now.'

she grinned 'what do you do abi?'

'well i'm in my final year of medical school.'

'you always were so smart, wow look at you'

I smiled 'well the same goes for you, you were amazing at singing and i'm glad you've pursued it'

We then explained how me and tobi met and answered each other's random questions, it felt good reconnecting with an old friend.

Before leaving, Janelle gave me a big hug and we promised to meet up again soon, with our other friends.

Tobi and I collapsed back into the sofa 'it's so weird that i've met the rest of your family except Janelle and she turned out to be the Janelle i was friends with in school.' I looked up at him.

'i see it as fate that we were meant to meet somehow. I dunno it's just so weird.'

'I agree, imagine if we had met earlier, that would've been crazy.' I smiled at him

I felt my phone buzz 'uhh i've got to take this phone call, i'll be back in two secs.'

'hey josh' i said as i closed the door behind me. 'just wandering it i could take Tobi away for a few days soon.' i said gently, cautious of tobi in the next room.

'oooo what's the occasion, going anywhere nice?'

'no occasion, hes just been so supportive, it's a suprise gesture and i'm thinking of Finland, we've always said how we want to see the northern lights'

'he's definitely going to love that abi, and do you know when roughly you wanna go?'

'hmm i'm not too sure, whenever is easiest for you and your schedule.'

'um well is two weeks time okay? from Tuesday to the end of the week?'

'yeah, that's perfect! thanks Josh. Imma go book the tickets now.'

'no worries, see you soon abi'

I smiled as I put the phone down, I got my laptop out and booked the tickets, they had a really good deal on which i was happy about. I started to look for our accommodation and I found the nicest place when Tobi came in. I quickly shut the laptop and looked up.

'yooo is everything okay?'

'yeahh it was just my uncle on the phone'

'calm, do you wanna watch a movie?'

'yeee, only if you pick because i'm indecisive as fuck' I giggled

'of course, how about the imitation game?'

'yesss' He grabbed my hand and i followed him back to the sofa and we cuddled up together.

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