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After getting home, we both collapsed into bed, both of us were shattered from the day. We snuggled up close to each other, i could feel him playing with my hair, which instantly set off the butterflies.

The next morning, i woke up still cuddling tobi, our legs were intertwined. For once in my life, things were going great, I felt happy and i could say that and mean it. I looked at my phone, saw the date and sighed, today i had both my hospital check up and my first therapy session. It was going to be a long day. I slowly untangled myself from Tobi, trying not to wake him up and I went and made myself a cup of coffee, I walked out onto the balcony and took in the amazing view. I decided to make poached eggs on toast for Tobi, it was the least I could do. After mashing up the avocado and placing the eggs in the water, I toasted the  bread. I plated it all up, and to my shock I heard Tobi coming out of the bedroom. I quickly turned around,

'No you're not meant to be in here!! go back inside and i'll bring you the food' i said putting on a pouty face. To my surprise he actually turned around and walked back in.

I gave him the food and gave him a quick peck on his cheek. 'mmm good morning, i made you breakfast' i said smiling. I sat down next to him on the bed.

'thank you, you really shouldn't have. aren't you eating anything?'

'i'm okay thanks, I don't feel too good, i feel nervous'

'you definitely should eat something, here have some of this' he cut up a bit of the toast and fed it to me. I hesitated but i leant in and took it. 'just for you' i said smiling.

'well abi that was delicious, thank you'

I smiled in return, squeezing his hand. 'are you sure you don't mind taking me to the hospital? or to therapy? i don't want to be a pain'

'nope i have nothing to do today, so you're good'

After cleaning the kitchen together and doing the washing up. I went to get ready for the hospital check up. I put on my flowy skirt and a nice blouse. I felt frumpy but i had to roll with it. I tied my hair up in a ponytail and moisturised. I walked out to see tobi sat on the sofa.

'you look cute you know'nhe said with a big smile

'thank you' i said pretending to courtesy.

He got up to put his shoes on, I followed. After we were both done, I pulled him in for a hug. He rubbed my back and rested his head on my head. 'hey it's going to be okay abi, you've got this'

I smiled at him and took his hand, indicating that I was ready to go.

The car journey was short, nothing too exciting happened. We got to the hospital and in the waiting room tobi took my hand and whispered that everything would be okay and to have faith.

'Abinaya sivakarthian' the nurse struggled to pronounce my name. I smiled and stood up.

'abi do you want me to come in with you?'

'yes please, if that's okay?'

'sure thing'

I came out of the consultation, feeling more positive. My knee was healing well, however I did have to have an operation, but the waiting list is very long so i knew i wouldn't have to worry about that for now.

'how are you feeling?' tobi asked as we left

'pretty good thanks tobes, definitely feeling better.' i said with a reassuring smile

'do you wanna go to the cafe and grab lunch now, before your counselling?'

'yeah that would be great'

we walked to the cafe on the corner, eating in a comfortable silence.

Breaking the silence, i said 'so I should probably think about moving back to my flat, don't get me wrong, these past two months have been the best and i've loved it but my flats going to be collecting dust ahah and i don't want to be a burden to you anymore' i looked up at him, he smiled in reassurance

'of course that's fine, and missy you're never a burden, i agree it's been great and at the end of the day it's your choice and i'll respect it'

i took his hand 'oh tobes, thank you for everything, you truly have been the best'

After finishing lunch, we made our way back to the car. The drive to the therapist took half an hour and in that half an hour, tobi let me take control of the aux. Of course i put my grime playlist on, this playlist was amazing at letting me just rap my feelings out ahah. The song Red Card came on. I laughed and said 'oh boy you best wait till 1 minute 35, that's my time to shine' he chuckled in response.


'damn girlll look at you shine' he said in an accent, laughing. After a car ride of just vibing, we finally arrived outside Dr Foster's office. A nauseous feeling crept up on me. Tobi saw this and took my hand 'hey you're gonna be fine, you've got this.' I smiled and got out. 'I'll be waiting in the car park for you' he gave me a big smile before waving.

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