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When I walked into the apartment, it was strangely quiet. I took my phone out of my pocket to see a message from Tobi.

Tobi: heyy we're all at Harry's flat, come along when you're home💞x

I sighed and thought about it. Part of me wanted to stay at home and wallow but I knew that would be a bad idea so I decided to go.

Me: sure i'll be there soon xx

I washed my face, i looked into the mirror and my eyes were puffy so I put on some concealer and mascara. I sat on the sofa contemplating whether I should go. I sighed and got up, I knew being on my own would be a bad idea. I slowly started walking to Harry's flat, i rang the doorbell and Harry opened the door and smiled. He awkwardly gave me a hug 'heyy Abi, how are you doing?'

'I'm good thanks harry, how are you? it's been ages' I awkwardly returned the hug.

'yeahh it has been, you know how it is just been busy with shooting' he led the way into the living room

I made my way into the living room where everyone was sat and quickly said hello to everyone, I saw a spot in between Tobi and Freya and decided to sit there. I gave Tobi a quick hug.

'how was lunch at your aunties?' he asked

'yeah it was good thanks' i smiled, not making eye contact with him. I turned and started talking to Freya and Talia who were getting excited over Talias new music that was releasing this week. I smiled, she showed me the teaser, which was soo good. I also noticed that she died her hair a really nice shade of pink.

'your hair looks AMAZING, i would love to do something like that with my hair but i'm too much of a pussy' i said chuckling.

'you definitely should do it, fuck itt' she smiled. After a few moments she spoke 'are you not having anything to drink?'

'nahh i don't really feel like drinking tonight'

'fair enough, i'm gonna go refill my glass' she got up and walked away. Me and Freya sat there and I asked her on advice about these shoes that I really liked. By the time the food arrived, everyone was pretty tipsy. I loved watching how people acted when they were drunk, it was hilarious. I wasn't feeling too hungry but I did make sure that I ate something. After we ate, simon had the brilliant idea of playing fifa, they drunkenly tried to figure out the controls and Harry kept screaming at Ethan, the whole thing was a mess which made it even funnier. I went into the kitchen to get myself a drink, I decided on coke. Just as I had finished pouring it, Tobi walked in.

'heyy, you good?' he asked. I didn't say anything, instead I just walked over and gave him a hug. He hugged me back and rested his chin on my head, we stood like this for a few moments. He straightened his back and looked at me in my eyes. 'what happened?'

I shifted 'nothing' i couldn't look at him in his eyes. I sipped my drink and hastily said 'i'm fine, honestly. let's go out to everyone else' I took his hand and we walked out to see everyone dancing to 'options' which was a banger. I awkwardly joined in with Freya and Talia. We danced as a trio for a good few songs until Simon drunkenly stood in the middle of us and broke us apart to which i just laughed. I went to find Tobi, a slower song was playing, we danced together. I looked up at him, stood on my tiptoes and gently whispered

'hey what do think about just leaving here and going for a walk? I'm not feeling it.'

he looked at me and smiled 'yeah of course we can'

'are you sure? I don't want to ruin your night'

'nope i am 100% down Abs'

I grinned and took his hand, I lead the way to the door. When we got outside, I linked my arm with his. The walk there was silent, but it was nice just being in his company. It was so windy, I quickly tied my hair into a low ponytail, it was an absolute mess because the wind had knotted it. After around the park for a good 10 mins, we found a nice bench to sit on. After a few moments of silence I spoke, unsure of what to say. 'my auntie has cancer, she doesn't have long left.' He turned around and faced me 'abi you should've said something, i'm here for you, you should've taken some time for yourself when you came home.'

'i was going to but i thought being around people would be better' I looked at him. 'i'm fine, just a bit shocked really' I shivered i'm the wind, i had left my coat at Harry's. Tobi took off his puffer jacket and put it around my shoulders. I smiled.

'are you sure? aren't you cold?' I questioned

He responded by moving his hand to my waist, he pulled me closer to him, leaving no room between us. 'Not anymore' he said gently in my ear. I looked at him and grinned, our eyes met. He looked perfect. I moved my hand behind his neck and pulled him closer to me he raised his hand and cupped my cheeks our lips met and we shared a long passionate kiss. I broke away and smiled at him. 'you are amazing' i whispered whilst looking intently into his eyes. He smiled, tucked loose hair strands behind my ear and pulled me closer to him. The rest of the time we just sat there and talked. After a moments silence he broke away from me he grabbed my thigh and looked at me. 'Abi, i'm here for you, i know how confusing things must be for you. I want to make it as easy as possible for you, so if you need anything just let me know.'

'thanks Tobi, that honestly means the world to me.' I looked up and smiled. 'come closer to me, i'm losing warmth without you here' I giggled at him. I moved closer and placed my head on his shoulder.

After a while, Tobi got up, disrupting the serenity. He held his hand out. 'come on, it's nearly 11.30, it's also very cold to be out here' he grinned at me. I let him pull me up and i linked my arm around his and squeezed it tight. We walked like this the whole way home.

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