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I woke up from a nap and checked the time, it was currently 3.23pm. I sighed and got out of bed, I decided that I would go to the bakery down the road and buy something to eat because I couldn't be bothered to cook. I left the flat wearing leggings and a hoodie. My hair was in a low ponytail and I looked like a mess. As I was walking down the street, I saw Simon and Talia together. I really didn't want to see anyone but I waved and crossed the road to speak to them. Talia gave me a big hug.

'wow you're out of the house, who would've thought' she jokingly said

I simply giggled at this. 'how are you?' simon asked.

'i'm slowly getting there thanks, where are you guys off to?'

'i'm glad! and we're going to harry's for a bit' he replied

'ahh okay then, I'm just about to buy some lunch. Actually i wanted to ask you something simon, I was just wondering would I be able to take Tobi away for a few days. I'm only asking because of filming and all that.'

'I'll check the calendar and let you know what dates are best. Is it for anything special?' he said with a smirk

'yeahh it was our one year anniversary but obviously with everything that happened I haven't been the best company and I just want to surprise him, he deserves it for putting up with me.'

'awh thats so cute' talia grinned at me. Simon also grinned 'he'll appreciate that, i'll let you know and message you.'

'thanks simon, i best be off i'm getting hungry! see you guys soon, it was nice seeing you'. I smiled and pulled talia in for a hug.

'we need to get together soon' she said

'yeah of course! bye simon' I said waving at them before walking to the bakery. I bought lunch and made my way back to the flat. I sat on the balcony, peacefully eating the food. As I was eating, Simon sent me a text with the dates. I didn't even think about it, I booked two tickets to Venice and on the way back we would visit Paris for the day, we always said how we wanted to go so I booked it. I went and printed the confirmation and started looking at places for us to stay. There was a slight chill in the air on the balcony, but it was a nice breeze.  I heard the door open behind me and Tobi stepped out and grinned.

'heyy, you're up! I bought us some dinner.'

'here come sit quickly i wanna talk' I replied.

he sat down and I took his hands. 'happy one year anniversary, I'm so sorry I completely spaced and didn't say anything. Firstly I want to thank you for looking after my and putting up with me for the past few weeks, i've been so difficult to deal with so thank you. Secondly happy anniversary!' I gave him the booking confirmation.

'Venice?? no way!! thank you Abi and it's honestly okay i understand how difficult things have been, I wanted to give you your space. This is amazing I cant wait to go away with you, thank you. Give me two seconds.'

He went in and came out with a book. The front of it had a heart drawn on with writing in the middle saying 'happy 1 year'. I smiled and inside he had put loads of cute pictures with lots of writing around it. A tear escaped my eyes 'this is amazing thank you Tobi, I still haven't got you the present i wanted to get you, but this is so cute.' I looked at him and smiled.

'I can't wait to get away with you again soon, it's going to be great!' he replied squeezing my thighs. I leant in and gave him a quick peck. He looked at me and frowned, I smiled 'i haven't showered in two days so I feel gross'

he pulled me in again 'i don't care'. I giggled and smiled at him. 'thank you for putting up with me tobes'

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