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Today was the day I met my brother again for the first time in ages. I last saw him when I was 4, that was 22 years ago, wow its been a long time. Anyway, he was coming around to Tobi's flat for lunch, I was currently cooking. I decided to make chicken curry, spinach and daal. Tobi came up behind me and hugged me. He whispered into my ear 'hey are you okay? how are you feeling?'

'I'm not going to lie to you, I feel so scared' I gently replied

'that's understandable, well i'm going to be here if you need me. Actually i was wandering, do you want me here? what if your brother doesn't like me'

I turned around and faced him 'i don't even know if he's gonna like me let alone you. I don't know. um... no i want you here Tobi, he's going to have to meet you so I want it to be now, plus i'm in your flat.'

'mmm okay, i don't mind either way. I just want to be here for you'

I smiled and hugged him 'thank you'.

After I finished cooking, I went and sat on the sofa, Tobi joined and sat down. I rested my head on his lap and he started playing with my hair. I must have fallen asleep because I woke up to the sound of the door knocking. I looked up and Tobi had also fallen asleep. I shook him gently 'he's here tobi'.

I opened the door to see a fully grown man that I barely recognised. He was quite tall and his skin was a little bit fairer than mine, he wore jeans and a yellow sweatshirt. I stood there in shock, unable to move or process that this was my brother. He moved closer and pulled me in for a hug, I wrapped my arms around me 'Ahilan... it's really you' I gently sobbed into him.

I pulled away and looked up to him, he was smiling, he wiped my tears and kissed me on the forehead. I took him into the living room. 'Ahilan, this is Tobi. He's my boyfriend, I'm currently living with him because of complications with my flat.' I couldn't read his face or his reaction. But he smiled and shook Tobi's hand. 'nice to meet you tobi, you best be treating her well' I rolled my eyes at him and went to make tea. I came back from the kitchen, and sat next to Ahilan. Tobi had to go and edit for a little bit. so he took the tea and went to his bedroom.

'not gonna lie, since uncle told me about you, i've been going through every memory i remember from when i was a child. Forgive me if i'm wrong, but didn't we used to always go to the tea shop and buy these' I pulled out a packet of iced gems

his face lit up 'YES, we would always share with Thuvi from next door'

I smiled and opened the packet. I asked him what happened when he got taken. 'I'm not sure Abi, a lot of the time I was in the dark. I don't know how long I was there for, but some UN peacekeepers found us and rescued us, I came back to our house and they told me that you were all dead, killed by shellings. It felt like my life was over so I spent years fighting against the Sri Lankan army with my best friend 'Mani'. He also got kidnapped so spent years together, until he was shot dead in the final few days of conflict. I didn't even get to say bye to him.' A tear escaped his eyes. 'Anyways, after the conflict ended, I would've been around 18. I got a job and started saving money. Although the conflict ended there were still so much tension that I stayed and left, I went to switzerland and soon I ended up in the UK. I stayed in Sheffield for a few years and then moved to London around 4 years ago. I looked at him and hugged him 'you've been through so much Ahilan'.

He spoke again 'tell me about your life Abi, how have you ended up here.'

'well...after the shellings, do you remember Rathan uncle? ... yeah he lived down the road from us. He helped me onto this ship coming to the UK. When I got here I lived with auntie and uncle, but you know how it is, i was very misunderstood and I just didn't get along with them. I moved out and then I saved to go to uni and now i'm doing a placement year at the hospital. And well, here I am, things are good with auntie and uncle now as well which is a bonus.'

'I'm proud of the both of us Abi, look at where we are now. You're a medical student and I'm currently working towards being a therapist' I smiled at him.

'I can't believe you're still alive and it's taken us this long to meet again. I honestly can't remember what I thought when you left. Maybe i thought you weren't real. I don't know' I chuckled.

'The day i thought I lost all of you was the worst day of my life to this date. i'm so grateful you're here abi'

'me too, i never thought i would have a brother. this is crazy'

We sat there exchanging stories about our childhoods, all the stories we could remember about our parents and more recent stories about living in London. He told me about his girlfriend, who also lives in London.

After a while of just talking, we decided to eat lunch. I knocked on Tobi's door, asking him to come and eat with us. We sat at the dining table and carried on talking normally. I smiled at Tobi and Ahilan talking, it made me happy that they were getting along.

'Abi, your food is amazing' Ahilan smiled at me. 'it's so distinct, it reminds me of mums cooking'

'its her recipe! she taught me young'

I looked at his face, he had a smile on his face but it didn't quite reach his eyes. 'what's wrong?' I asked him.

'i just feel like we've lost so much time together.'

I took his hand 'i know, it's such a shock that i'm here with you right now'

Tobi spoke up 'I won't deny it, both of you have been through so much and you've both missed out on so much, but you've found each other now so you guys can create so many more memories. It's never too late.

Me and Ahilan smiled at him 'thanks tobes, that means a lot' I replied.

Before Ahilan left, he hugged me. 'I like tobi a lot Abi, you look happy with him.'

'thank you!'

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