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I had finally gotten a job! It was only a weekend job at my local tesco but it was a start. I would work Friday, Saturday and Sunday. It was just a morning job so I would do 3 hours of work every day. But at least I would be able to slowly become more financially stable. Right now I had money that I had saved up, but I didn't have a flow of money. Today I was going out shopping with my brother, we thought it would be nice to do something together. Tobi had to go for a sidemen shoot so he dropped me off on the way. 'see you at home' i gave him a quick kiss and walked into the entrance of his apartment lobby.

We decided to go to Westfields, I bought some cute converses with flowers on them, they were on offer and so cheap. Ahilan bought his girlfriend a pair of converses, but with a different design on them. 'I need to at least see a picture of your girl soon' I smiled at him.

'you will, don't worry' he looked at me and smiled mischievously. We walked around lots of different shops, I ended up buying another vinyl. I bought 'American Teen by Khalid', we browsed around the shops and decided to go and get lunch. We made our way to Nando's and on our way there a girl came up to us and hugged Ahilan.

He wrapped his arm around her and smiled 'Abi, meet Abi, my girlfriend'. A massive grin broke out on my face. 'this is your girlfriend?? oh my god!! hii' I gave her a big hug. 'You're stunning, I love your top' I complimented her. She genuinely looked gorgeous, her skin was glowing in the sunlight and her hair was luscious. I turned to him 'you've done an amazing job, getting with Abi' I teased we all chuckled and made our way to nando's. Whilst eating we both asked each other basic questions, the first one being. 'so Abi, what's your full name?' I chuckled.

'Araabi, what's yours?'

'Abinaya' I smiled at her. The rest of the conversation flowed easily, all three of us just talking about each other and asking lots of questions. I found out she's two years younger than Ahilan and she also studied psychology at university, she's currently qualified and working as a counsellor for young children. She has two younger sisters, overall she gave me such good vibes. I liked her a lot. After eating, we walked around the area for a bit. We decided to go to a desert shop and buy some waffles as well. I bought a Ferrero Rocher one, I couldn't finish it so Ahilan finished it for me. We headed out to the car park, Araabi shotgun the front seat, to which I pulled a fake pouty face. On the way home we vibed to some tamil bangers. We arrived at the apartment building and Ahilan said he would walk me to the flat. I smiled at Araabi and squeezed her shoulder 'it was nice meeting you, see you soon hopefully!'.

We made our way up to the flat 'soooo what do you think of Abi?'

'I like her. a lot. she gives me such good vibes, she's honestly so cute'

'I'm glad you like her! you should come over for dinner one day Abi.'

'yeah definitely, today was fun, thank you, i'll see you soon Ahilan.' we hugged, not wanting to let go of each other. I eventually let go.

'see you soon Abi' he kissed my forehead.

I walked into the flat, Tobi was by the stove, cooking. I went and hugged him. 'hiii how was your shoot'

'it was good thank you, how was shopping? did you eat?'

'it was good thank you! I met Ahilan's girlfriend, she was also called Abi, she's so nice, and i did eat, we got nando's'

'ahh that's cute, i love how happy you are right now' he pulled me in for a kiss. 'are you sure you don't want any of this?'

'i'm okay thanks' I made myself a cup of tea and we sat at the dining room table. He was telling me all about the shoot and I told him about my shopping trip. After he finished eating, we sat on the sofa together and watched TV. Tobi's phone kept going off, he sighed as he looked through the notifications. 'what's wrong?' I questioned.

he smiled 'there's a picture of you and Ahilan on twitter from when you went shopping and people really think you guys are together. People are spreading rumours that you're cheating on me'

I started giggling 'really? damn people need to get a life'.

'haha i know, i'm not even going to bother responding, we'll let them carry on guessing'

I couldn't contain my laughter, 'that's too funny'

'Hey Tobes, I need to be up early tomorrow, do you want me to sleep in the spare room? I don't wanna disturb you.'

'no no it's fine, i don't mind' he smiled. He took my hand and we went into the bedroom. I got changed and did my skincare. When I came out of the bathroom, Tobi was already in bed so I climbed in and cuddled him close.

*beep beep beep* the time read 4.07am. I groaned and rolled out of bed. I had a quick shower and got changed. I wasn't sure whether I should eat or not, but I decided to make tea and toast. I was scrolling through my instagram feed when I heard the door open behind me.

'morning' his morning voice still sent out a million butterflies in me.

'morning, what are you doing awake?' I questioned. I got up and gave him a hug.

'i'm going to walk you to your first day at work, can't have you getting hospitalised again abi' he giggled

i hit him 'hey that wasn't my fault!' i giggled.

We decided to leave at 4.40. We walked hand in hand, the dawn was breaking amongst the buildings. We took our sweet time and when we arrived at the tesco, Tobi pulled me in for a hug. 'Good luck, you've got this' he kissed my forehead.

'thanks tobi and thank you for walking me here, it means a lot' I pulled him in for a hug again.

I pulled away and started to walk towards the doors. 'good luck' he called out behind me.

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