XXVI. Harbinger-Part IX.

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Arkshan panted heavily as he jumped away from the demon.

It was exhausting, even for someone like him, to have to dodge the supernaturally quick attacks of the zodiz.

He looked up as he saw the demon fly up into the air once again.

Then something else caught his eye.

It was some type of large, red light halo up in the sky. Arkshan stared up at the strange and unnatural red glow in the sky. Arkshan didn't remember the demon having some sort of aerial attack.

Then he saw it.

A barrage of red lightning came down from the sky and struck down on the flying zodiz. It struck it down onto the ground as the cracks of thunder filled the air.

Arkshan stared in awe at this spectacle as he wondered where the lightning could be coming from.

He saw, what looked like fireflies, small green and red lights floating through the air as he looked over at Jun. Jun was staring intensely at the zodiz while his hands were in strange positions.

He snapped himself out of his shock and focused back on the demon before him.

The barrage of red lightning soon stopped and Arkshan ran towards the zodiz to finally end this.

Arkshan leaped into the air with all his might and pointed his swords downwards. The swords sunk deeply into the organs in the back of the demon as it did a final, disturbing screech.

His ears rung while he rode the back of the zodiz. It fell to the ground causing the world to shake with a loud boom.

A long, deep sigh made its way out of his lips as he jumped to the ground. Arkshan raised his swords above his head and down across the neck of the zodiz, beheading it.

The head rolled to the ground where he picked it up by its white tentacles at the top of its head.

The proof of the bounty was collected and now all that was left to do was to go back into Perenykisk.

He went to walk out of the clearing and onto the main road, but something stopped him in his tracks.

I can just leave him. Maybe the wolves will eat him...no I need answers...but, ugh.

Arkshan fought with his thoughts on what he was going to do.

After a long while of debating, he turned back around to see Jun laying on the ground. The small Easterner looked to be unconscious.

He made his way begrudgingly towards Jun and kneeled next to him. He put a finger on Jun's neck and felt a small pulse.

Arkshan huffed in irritation at himself as he picked Jun up and threw him over his shoulder.

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