Chapter 93: Christmas Eve - Part 2

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He missed me? He missed me? And this is how he chose to tell me? I felt tears come to my eyes, my whole body going cold.
"I'm sorry." I whispered to Josh, gently pulling away from him and running out of the ballroom.
"Jess!" He called out, but I quickly ran into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. After waiting a minute, I hadn't heard anything, so I assumed he gave up. I just couldn't do it anymore. Not with him, especially not with Jake around. 

It just wasn't fair. Not to me, and especially not to him.

I was thankful to at least have a few minutes to clean myself up before there was a knock at the door. I did my best to try and calm myself down, catching my breath.
"Occupied." I finally called out, leaning up against the sink.
"Jess?" She said. It was Ronnie. "Jess, it's me, are you okay?"
"I'm fine." I said, my voice cracking.
"Can I come in?" She asked, knocking again. I sighed, pushing myself off of the sink and making my way over, peeking out the door. She stared back at me, her eyes sad.

"Did he ask you to come and get me?" I asked.
"No, I.. I saw what happened and I just.. are you okay?" I shook my head, feeling more tears come to my eyes.
"No.." I said softly. "I.. I never should've came. It was a mistake. I.. I can't be around Jake, not if we have to be like this. And it wasn't fair.. to do this to Josh.. I.. I thought maybe.. but.. no."
"You need to be honest, Jess. You.. you need to tell him what you want."
"Josh is so sweet, but I just-"
"Not Josh." She said, biting down on her lip. I felt my cheeks burn.

She was right. After all, Jake did say he missed me. Maybe it wasn't hopeless. The last thing I wanted to do was make an idiot out of myself if he had actually moved on but.. I needed to be honest.. at least once. With both of them.

"Look, the party is ending anyway, why don't you and Josh go and.. take a long drive. And talk. And.. I'll get everyone back home." Ronnie said, giving me a subtle smile.
"Okay.." I sighed, wiping my eyes again. She nodded, heading for the door.
"Ronnie?" I called out. She stopped, turning towards me. "Thank you."

Her smile grew.
"No problem. I'll.. see you back at the house?" She asked, staring back at me. I nodded. Her smile grew as she walked out, shutting the door behind her.

I took a deep breath, wiping my face one more time before forcing myself back out. When I looked up, I saw Josh waiting out by the front doors. He turned to face me as he heard the bathroom door open, staring back at me, wide-eyed.

"Jess.." He said. I felt my heart start to beat faster as I went over to him. He reached out his hand, motioning towards the door. I hesitated, but eventually taking it and followed him out into the parking lot. We were silent the whole walk back to the car. He came over to my side, opening the door for me. I gave him a subtle smile as I hopped inside, shutting it behind me. I watched him slowly make his way around, climbing into the drivers seat. He remained quiet for a few minutes before turning to me, his face dropping.

"Jess.." He said softly. I looked back over at him, feeling tears come to my eyes again. "What happened in there?" I bit down on my lip, feeling my heart race.
"I'm.. I'm sorry, Josh." I said, looking away. "But I.. I can't do this anymore."

I could feel him staring at me, ever second more excruciating than the next.
"You can't do this.." He sighed. "This meaning.. us." I nodded, peeking back over at him.
"But.. why?" He asked. "W-what did I do wrong?" I turned to face him, shaking my head.
"Josh you.. you didn't do anything wrong. You.. you're perfect, it's just-"
"I'm just not him." He said softly, looking down. I bit down on my lip, nodding.
"You're not him." I whispered. He was quiet again for a moment, now looking out the front window.

"He left you, Jess." He finally said. "He left you. After everything.. he left you. And.. you still want him."
"I.. I know how it sounds but-"
"He's just gonna do it again." He snapped, turning to face me. "Jess, I love you. I'd never do that to you. I've.. I've done nothing but be there for you. I've done nothing but care for you, I.. I was willing to take care of a child that wasn't even mine.. for you! And.. and it's still not enough for you." He sighed, shaking his head.
"Josh, I'm so sorry." I whispered, not sure what else to say.

You're the One - Part 1 || Greta Van FleetTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon